The Elf Boy

Twisting my head, I look around and it seems that all the children had finished their ritual as well. I was so absorbed in my thoughts that I hadn't taken notice of all the other children finishing their ceremony.

"Well, my children, the Goddess and God's all have wished you the best and have high hopes for you all. Now head back to your parent's my dears," she says softly. Her eyepatch had turned back into its normally black and covers her flaming eye.

With those parting words, the children begin to file down the stone stage and back to their respective seats. I walk down the stairs and begin to walk back to my seat when someone takes my hand.

Looking down at my hand, I found a white hand wrapped around mine. Glancing upwards I find that the elf boy that had been standing next to have a mixed expression on his face, and it was of hesitation and embarrassment.

He opens his mouth quickly and closes it a few times, it reminded me of a fish gasping for water. He repeats this motion for about five seconds before I gently apply some light pressure to his arm, and he locks his eyes with mine.

It was then that I gave him a good look over. He was a cute kid, his features are quite willowy he reminded me of a beautiful girl, although, he still had some more masculine features. His long white hair was beautiful, and his sterling white eyes gave him a haunting look.

At first glance, he appears to be a flawless specimen. However, I notice a small scar that ran right underneath his left eye. If you weren't looking at him closely it was nearly impossible to notice the small imperfections.

His eyes are set in a hard gaze as they look into mine and it would appear that he'd worked up a lot of resolves to reach out and try to talk to me.

"Silvyr Elkas," he manages to say as he glances down at the hand that he was holding. A light bush crawls up his face and he quickly let's go of my hand and takes a step backward.

I open my mouth to say something in reply, but he quickly heads off. I watch him leave as he heads back to his family. He arrives at his seat quickly, and I notice a man was watching me.

It was almost uncanny how the man looked just like Silvyr, minus the eyes this man had crystal blue eyes. He tilts his head in a soft greeting towards me. I acknowledge him and give a slight raise of my head.

Looking away, I make my way back to my own family.

Sitting down next to Salem, I sucked in a small breath and lean against the wood bench. My Mother gentle strokes my head as she looks down at me and gives me a soft smile. It was a warm smile, one that was only reserved for family.

The most she shows others was a very business looking smile. More times than not she never smiles, she wasn't the most smiley person in the world to strangers or other people in general.

"It seems you've met the Elkas' boy, his family just moved to our city last year, I don't think you'll remember them. However, they'll be coming over tonight to attend a party for your ceremony of five," my mother whispers softly to me.

"Have I met him before?" I ask her.

A hint of surprise flashes over her face, but she quickly covers it up with a small smile.

"He's not been to our house, and you've not attended any social gathering outside of that so, I imagine not," she says warmly.

I nod my head lightly. She looks back up at the stage, and I follow suit. I was thankful that she hadn't asked out my life page, that was startling similar to a status page that you'd see in any game.

A small knot of anxiety was twisting itself in my stomach. In my last life, I'd grown to distrust people, due to past life experiences. Not knowing the circumstance of my death was also placing a bit of trauma on my mind.

This could also be the reason why I didn't have any friends that were my own age. But it could also be my parents over the top style of love. They'd never let me meet anyone without them there, and it was a bit hard to make friends when your mother was called the 'ice queen.'

Sigh, I remember the face of Silvyr. Perhaps he also didn't have any friends, maybe we're the same. That idea quickly took root in my head. That could have been the reason he'd reached out to me.

Silvyr Elkas…

Maybe, he'd turn out to by my first friend.

Holding that thought in my head and in my heart, I decided to push all the negative thoughts away and decided to focus on the closing words that were coming out of the Priestess's mouth.

"Let us give thanks to the Goddess and Gods for their warmth and their endless benevolence in creating us in their images. With the power granted to me by the Goddess of Death Muheia, I hereby announce that the Ceremony of Five has concluded," she spoke with abundant love as she opens her arms up and tilts her head back to look up at the glowing flame.

As if sensing that others were watching it, the flame begins to erupt in a myriad of different colors and stretches out in a dazzling manner.

I peeled my eyes away from the flame and glance towards the Priestess, she was a bit of a fanatic. But the others in the room didn't seem to see it that way at all, instead, they all began to clap their hands as they all followed suit at the Priestess.

Glancing towards my mother and father, I find them also following suit.