A Celebration

We continued with a small discussion, but we quickly arrived back at home. It was very busy at my house; servants are running everywhere setting up the party that my Mother and Father are hosting for my Ceremony of Five.

The guest wouldn't be arriving till a little later, but that didn't mean that I had any moment of rest. Without even a second to waste Herma whisked me away and back to my room. Apparently, the clothes that we'd picked out this morning weren't suited for the affairs that we had to take part in later.

Being the daughter of the Governances was a tiring position, I thought that I would get to enjoy a simple childhood. However, to do that one had to be a simple child, to begin with, and born into a simple family.

I had the pleasure of being neither of those things. If anything, I'd been born into quite an extraordinary family. My mother was one of the daughters of the Matriarch of Vampires. This meant that my Grandmother was the descendent of the original vampires created by the Goddess of Death.

My mother was one of three, she was, in fact, the youngest daughter. Along with the most rebellious out of her siblings. The oldest of my mother's siblings was my uncle Phillip and then her sister, Marina.

I'd yet to meet either of them, as far as I knew they both were alive. It didn't seem that my mother wanted anything to do with either of them. I think they might have had a fallout, but I wasn't sure about the specifics.

"Little Miss?" Herma's voice rouses me from my thoughts.

Looking up, I glance back at her and she's giving me a warm smile.

"What do you think Little Miss?" She says glancing towards the mirror in front of us. Facing forward, I look into the mirror.

I was a little shocked at what looks back at me. Herma had braided my hair into a beautiful design, and with the excess hair, she'd pulled it into a gladiator ponytail. At the top of the ponytail, she had inserted a glistening silver lion hairpin, it had an emerald green eye and a citrine, yellow, gemstone as the other.

It completely matched my eye; I felt a wave of emotion pass through me as I look at the lion pin.

"The Governess and the Lord had this specially made for you," she tells me.

I nod my head and press a hand into my eye, I didn't want to cry. But being loved by one's parents was indeed a special feeling in its own right.

"Shall we get you into your dress for the party?" She asks me, as she gently places a hand on my shoulder. I give a quick nod of my head.

Smiling she heads into my closet and pulls out the dress that she had for me. My other maids also gathered around at the sight of the dress. Without wasting a moment, they hurried to get me into it, and I couldn't help but share their excitement it was amazing.

It was beautiful, it was completely silver, it was a simple dress, that was straight cut with a straight cut across the top of the dress, my shoulders peek out from the top. On the dress prints, slightly darker silver lions could be seen.

Along with the dress, a pair of clear glass-like shoes go with it. They've got a small heel to them, giving me an extra inch or two. Along with the silver, a clear glass flower was added to my hair.

At last, a fur wrap was draped around my shoulder, it was so soft. I could have spent hours rubbing my face into the softness.

Standing in front of the mirror, I defiantly felt like a little miss from a rich household.

Herma has tears in her eyes as she looks at me. The other maids all have bright smiles on their faces as they observe their hard work in the flesh.

"It's fitting for you little miss," Herma gushes.

"Thank you, Herma. I believe that it's time for us to be on our way isn't it?" I ask her.

She nods her hand, and the army of maid's parts and I step forward heading towards the door. Herma opens the door and waiting just outside the doorway is Salem.

His golden hair is slicked back, and he was dressed in a white suit. A small smile frames his lips as he looks at me. I was shocked, this was the first time that I'd seen him give me a smile. Most of the time he wore a glum expression on his beautiful face.

"I'll be escorting you," he says softly.

Tilting my head down, I try not to grin. He was just to darn cute. Raising a hand, I hold it out for him to take.

"Escort away," I say with a laugh. Nodding his head, he takes my hand and pulls it through his arm.

"Shall we go?"

"Yes! Let's go!"

With that we begin to walk through the halls, a lot of maids and butlers are running around, but the closer and closer we go to the ballroom. The louder it was and the more maids and butlers we saw along the way.

"Who's all going to be here at the party?" I ask.

"A fair few nobles, along with other people, Mother went out of her way to invite anyone she thought was important. She's really excited to show you off to everyone." He tells me straight forward.

Ah… this was going to be a pain in the butt it seems.

"Oh, but that boy that was standing next to you at the Ceremony will also be there, along with his family," they're ambassadors for the elvish people," he explains.

That's promising at least, I'll have someone around my age. That boy was quite interesting, I wonder if he'd end up being my first friend? That was a promising thought.

"There should be some people your age at this event other than the elvish boy. You should try and make some friends your age. It's not good that Mother and Father have holed you up all to themselves. You should take this opportunity to make friends, not be a workaholic like Mother and Father," he told me with a serious expression.

His face was scrunched up in annoyance. This was the most expressive that I'd seen my brother. Normally he would wear an impassive face or a sullen expression that didn't give anything away.

It was turning out to be a very strange day indeed for me. But I didn't mind, I was glad that he was starting to open up to me.

Now it was really starting to feel like a sibling relationship. It's safe to say for the past five years that he'd been doing his best to keep his distance from me. But I for the last five years have been trying to break down his walls, that, however, was a challenge in its own right.

He was like the ultimate tsundere. However, it seems that all my hard work was starting to pay off, that's what determination could do for you in the long run it seems. All I need was time and resolve and I could break anyone down.

Consumed by my thoughts, I didn't realize that we'd arrived at the door. Until Salem clears his throat. Looking up, I see that there are two butlers posted on each side of the grand door, that had a lion carved into it.

"Are you ready?" Salem asks.

"Yes," I say with a nod as I square my shoulders back. I could already hear the music and voices of the guest; it looks like the party was trying to get into full swing. Of course, it couldn't completely start till the guest of honor arrived. That guest being me since my Mother had thrown it in honor of my turning five.

"Good," he mutters and signals for the butlers to open the doors.

Without delay the butlers open the doors, the bright light of the ballroom shone through, and the loud voices of the guest greets my ears.