Who Want's Desert?

Putting everything neatly to the side, we all sat down and started to dig into the feast that had been prepared for us. I'd taken a seat next to my Brother Clemente and Ambrose. Much to the dismay of Salem and Grail, who both looked rather upset by the development.

But there was nothing that they could do!

I didn't really care, I just wanted to dig into this food. It was all laid out neatly on the table and untouched and my nose was working overtime. All the scents of the food are flowing into my nose and overwhelming my senses.

This was a feast, to say the least.

Without wasting time, I quickly began to pile food after food onto my plate. No matter how strange or odd it looked, it smelled amazing.

Grabbing my fork, I shove a slice of meat into my mouth, and I felt my saliva glands working overtime as the delicious task of meat invades my mouth.

Squeezing my eyes shut, I left the tastes to wash over me.



I was so absorbed in the food, that I almost forgot that there were others around me. Peeling an eye open, I find that all my family has an amused look on their face, and I swallow the meat in my mouth, before giving an embarrassed smile.

"You're a little glutton aren't you, lil sis?" Clemente chuckles as he fills his own plate with food as well.

I blush and push another slice of meat into my mouth, chewing heartily on it.

"She just knows good food when she tastes it, she'd be a gourmet, not a glutton," Ambrose says rolling his eyes, as he dips a spoon into a creamy reddish colored dish.

"You're just always picking a fight, aren't you Ambrose!" Clemente growls around the piece of meat in his mouth.

These two are like cats and dogs, they just couldn't get along with each other.

"Here, try this it's a Blood Egg," Grail says as he holds out a plate for me. Resting on the plate are eggs that are no bigger than my thumb, but they're ruby red and have a slight glow to them.

Reaching out with my finger's I pluck one of the little eggs up and pop it into my mouth. Biting down it explodes with a spicy and strong flavor, like a well-aged wine that's been left to ferment.

It washes over all my taste buds giving them a run for their money.

I couldn't help it and push a hand into the side of my cheek, it was just too tasty.

The lingering taste after was that of a strong bloody taste, it was perfect for a Vampire. I give Grail a thumbs up, and he blushes and places the plate down closer to me.

"Boy's why don't you tell your sister about yourselves, rather than bicker like children," Father says with a pointed look at all the boys.

Ambrose and Clemente give each other one last glare and then nod their heads as they turn their attention to me.

All of a sudden everyone was once again looking at me.

A hush had fallen on the table, that had been alight with the sound of bickering, I felt my stomach curl.

"I'll go first since Clemente got to give her his gift first," Ambrose says with a tone that leaves no room to argue.

His beautiful golden eyes look down at me and I felt the clenched nerves in my stomach lessen. A smile rests on his lips and he clears his throat.

"Mother told me that you want to become an adventurer. My party the 'Dawn Twilight' is currently one of the top parties that pushing to clear the 45th floor. Your Brother's the party leader," he boasts.

I felt my eyes widen.

"Really?! You're trying to clear the 46th floor!" I ask, jumping up slightly in my chair. I felt my blood boil, I'd forgotten that my father said that my brothers were strong adventurers.

A gleeful look appears on Ambrose's face as he straightens his back and puffs out his chest slightly.

"Of course, your Brother is a good respect tactician! I helped clear the 45th first," he says with a prideful smile.

"That's amazing! Brother, what's your class?" I ask, looking at him with glowing eyes.

"Paladin! I decided to take the same class as father, as a tank I play a central role," he says with a bright smile.

I was a little shocked that he was a tank. He wasn't that big, I always imagined that a tank would be as large as my father. It looks like it didn't matter if you had the class that must mean that you're a capable person.

"Wow! Does that mean that Big Sis Marigold in your party?"

"Mhm, your brother relentlessly pursued me, even though I had retired from dungeon exploration. He came storming into my cave and told me that he needed me, and refused to leave unless I joined his party," she says covering her mouth as she laughs a little.

Ambrose's whole face started to turn red at her words.

He opens his mouth to defend himself, but she doesn't relent.

"I thought, that he was just being an insolent child, but never had anyone come and demand something of me. It took him a little over a month to convince me, during that time, he kept me company and I fell in love with him.

So, in the end, I joined his party, only with the condition that he would date me," she says with a bright smile as she leans in closer to Ambrose.

I raise an eyebrow and give a silent round of applause to my Brother. He'd defiantly found himself more than he'd bargained for when he stormed into her cave.

"I was going to ask her out either way," he finally sputters out as he adjusts his spectacles with his free hand.

"I'm sure, Brother," I tell him with a solemn nod. His face falls at my response.

I had a feeling even though, she looked sweet and innocent she was defiantly taking charge of my Brother. Yes, without a doubt, she was in control.

"We all know Marigold's the one that popped the question, you were too dense to notice her feelings towards you," Clemente says with a snort.

"Aw… but isn't that one of his strong points?" Marigold questions as she snuggles closer towards Ambrose.

"If you say so," Salem chirps in.

"It's true, that Sister Marigold in charge," Grail says with a nod as he twists a spoon in his mouth.

"Boys don't give him a hard time, it's normally that women are the ones in charge. I've got your father wrapped around my little finger," my mother's say with a laugh as she pats my father's face.

"You boys will be lucky, if you get a strong woman like your Mother or Marigold, no need to be jealous of your brother," my father says with a wink.

I could only nod my head, if I found someone, I'd want to have the same relationship as my mother and father. They undoubtedly loved each other, but I'm only five, I've got plenty of time to worry about finding someone later.

"Lil Sis, did you know that I'm a Necromancer! I'm in Brother Ambrose's party as well," Grail says with a smile.

"A necromancer?"

"Mhm. I can summon the undead that I have a contract with," he says and snaps his fingers. Behind him, a black shadowy figure takes shape behind him. It looks like a knight with a huge board sword.

In the shadowy figure, I can see purple light erupting from the eye sockets and mouth of the knight, it also surrounded his hands that are wrapped around the chair that Grail is sitting in.

"This is my first familiar, a black knight," he explains with a small smile. His emerald eyes sparkling like he's showing someone a toy.

Maybe, that why he made all the hair on my arms stand up. Because he literally controlled death.

I turn to look at Clemente. "What about you Brother?" I ask him with an expectant look. Although, from the way that he was dressed I had a sneaky suspicion of what his class would be.

"I'm a samurai, and I'm the guild master of 'Wandering Sun'," he says with a smug look as he looks at Ambrose.

I raise an eyebrow.

He was a guild master.

"Somehow you're a Guild Master, that will always be one of life great mysteries how you managed to do that," Ambrose says with a shake of his head.

"Maybe, it's because I'm likable," Clemente snorts, as he crosses his arms over his chest.

"Wait, Brother, do you also try and clear the world Dungeon?" I ask him.

"I do, but right now, I'm focused on clearing Dungeon Gates, so that more people can enter into the world Dungeon. Right now, there aren't that many Dungeon Gates that are open," he explains.

"There are three major gates that are open, and that's where the three major schools are for hopeful adventurer students, that go to find skilled experts to teach them about their class," Salem says.

"Then are you working to establish school Brother?" I ask.

"That's my dream, to train future adventures so that we can clear the world dungeon," he says proudly.

"You sure know how to dream big," Marigold chuckles. "But if someone would be able to establish a new school, then it would be your Brother," she says with a nod in his direction.

I had some amazing Brothers. But there was one Brother that I didn't know almost anything about.

Turning my attention to Salem, I clear my throat.

"Salem, what about you? What's your class?" I ask him.

He looks up from his glass of wine and looks a little surprised at my line of questions.

"You haven't told her yet?" Grail asks.

"Well, he'd be the one not to let anything slip," Ambrose says with a shake of his head.

"Always a secretive one, aren't you, Brother?" Clemente says with a laugh.

He put his glass down, and runs a hand through his hair, looking a little peeved.

"I'm a Magician," he states rather simply.

I sit back in my seat a little and pick up a bit of fruit that was in the shape of a heart. I pop it in my mouth and keep looking at my Brother. Trying my best to read his emotions, but I can't tell what he's thinking at all.

"What type of Magician?" I ask him.

"I specialize in taking Over Magic," he tells me.

I give him a look that says 'continue.'

"It's a magic that allows the user to sign contracts with a beast, and allow the user to transform into them," he says. Saying more words than I've heard him speak at once.

"He's being modest, it's a magic that hardly any practice, he could be considered an authority with his mastery of it," Grails chimes in with a smile on his face.

He still had that Black Knight summoned. It was feeding him food, actually.

"You're truly talented! He was offered a position at the Black March School, that's one of the three major schools," my mother says point her fork at Salem.

He ducks his head.

"I'd rather not talk about it," he says simply.

I want to open my mouth and apologize but I close it.

"Well then who want's some desert?" My mother asks trying to diffuse the tension in the room.