Slaughter Slaughter Children

Three Years Later...

Deep within a forest, a gigantic bull was plowing through the forest at a blistering pace. It tore through trees and rocks as it is pounding forward, trying to escape its assailants.

It was a gigantic 「Forest Giant: Bull Species」!

「Forest giants inhabit large areas and are considered the rulers of a certain area. Extremely hard to kill due to their high vitality. Theses' monsters are notorious for being unstoppable. The bull species are known for their strength and the fierce strength of their tusk」

「Name: Forest Giant Gull

Species: Bull Level: 25

Strength: 55 Vitality: 100 Defense: 50 (20)

Skills: Iron Body (Lvl. 3), Tusk Strike (Lvl. 5), Bite (Lvl.2), Fortress Stance (Lvl.4)」

Its hides littered with large gashes that leak thick crimson blood. Even with all the blood flowing from its body the beast didn't cease in its rampage. Other than that, one of the giant tusks on its face had been severed.

The way that it ran it was as if a grim reaper was chasing the beast. All the other monsters that had been within the vicinity had left.

As it kept going forward it paints more and more of the ground in bloody sanguine color. The sound of trees being crushed and smashed was the only sound within the forest, it could be heard for miles and miles.

Out of nowhere, an arrow comes coiling through the air and find's it's home in the lower left leg of the monstrous beast.

"Awrrrrr~" Left the creature's mouth as the arrow digs deeper and glows a vibrant green color as roots began to grow around the beast leg.

A flash of armor can be seen as a girl darts from tree to tree as she charges towards the beast that was slowing due to the arrow. The glowing glint of a blade flashes above the bull, and a small girl with inky black hair streaming behind her can be seen.

The sword in her hands twice the size of her petite body, but that doesn't seem to stop her. Using the tree as a springboard she launches her body through the trees and towards the monster. A wild smile on her face, that was already covered in blood and dirt.

Long raven black hair streams behind her, as she darts from tree to tree, reaching a half-fallen tree she takes nimble and speedy steps not bogged down by the falling tree at all. Her steps are befitting of a bird in flight, she dances through the air.

Behind her three more-zig zags between the fallen trees cashing after her, and the beast.

Sensing the presences that it was trying to draw away from nearing it the beast decides that it'll have no choice but to fight its assailants.

"Watch Out!" The booming voice of a boy sounds, as the now enraged bull, turns and tries to strike at the raven-haired girl.

The whistling sound of its singular tusk slicing the air, cause the hair to raise on all of their necks and they watch it draw closer to the raven-haired girl. But she was simply smiling, like a bird in flight, she spring's straight up.

Seeing that its tusk passes through nothing but air, the enraged bull felt a bit of dread in its stomach.

Her body is in a perfect arc, she uses the momentum to swing her body downwards, the sword in her hand's is pointed straigh angled at the bull's remaining tusk. Dropping down through the air like a roc, she summersaults through the air with her blade cleaving down towards the beast.

However, sensing it the beast jerks it's head at the last second, and her blade glimpses the remaining tusk.

"Ktach!" It just barely escaped the loss of its remaining tusk; it was chipped but still attached to its face.

The raging eyes of the beast slowly lost its fire and it once again turns tail and flees.

"Dammit," she mutters, as she drags her sword from the earth. The ground splintering with the force of her pull.

"Hollis give me your hand," an elven child shout as he stretches out his hand, raising her hand he yanks her from the ground.

Without breaking step, he drags her back into the chase towards the bull.

"You missed, that's a first," the white hair elf laughs as he releases her hand.

"It's not as dumb as it looks," Hollis mutters as she tightens her grip on the sword. Stabilizing her body, she takes chase again.

Up ahead, two tattooed children are still hot on the trail of the beast.

"Cecily, cast a spell on it, it's moving too fast! We can't catch it!" A boy with dark black hair yells, to a girl with a small dagger in her hand, and a thin set of armor covering her small body.

Her little body glides through the trees without much effort. An annoyed look rests on her face as she stares at him

"Paralyzing Song!" She shouts as she hurls the dagger in her hand towards the beast.

「Paralyzing Song, immobilizing the target part of the enemy. Has the chance of completely immobilizing the enemy's movement! 」

Lighting erupts from the dagger as its whistler through the air, in its track music note appear. In all sorts of color, without much resistance, the dagger sinks into the right leg of the beast. Where the dagger finds a home, like a chain the notes wrap around the beast's right leg and completely crush it.

"Snap!" The sounds of bones compressing fill the air, and the mangled right leg of the boar gives out. It's towering body slams into the ground and throws up dirt and tress as it skids to a stop.

"Good job," the young boy with pitch-black hair says with a bright smile.

"Cecily's the best," Cecily says with a bright smile.

"I'll finish it off," he says as he pushes his body off a branch. The tree branch completely snaps underneath him as he's launched through the air, like an arrow.

The bull with its mangled right leg completely wasted. Lifting its giant head, its beady black eyes stare at the boy that was hurtling toward it. Its body began to let off steam as it readies the last of its strength.

"Enhance!" He shouts a red glow covering and coating both of his arm's as he draws his arm back, ready to punch the bull straight on.

「Enhance has been activated, increased the user's strength by tenfold for ten seconds! 」

At the same time, the bull finally resorting to its last-ditch effort. Activates its skills 「iron body」and 「Fortress Stance」.

「Iron Body, completely coats the body in an iron coat, for 30 seconds」

「Fortress Stance negates the abilities of all magic attacks for 40 seconds. 」

The once battered body of the bull completely changes from flesh to solid iron, and a golden glow covers its body. The strike that was prepared by the boy, slammed into the body of the bull, but instead of killing it like he thought it doesn't even shake the now standing bull.

It didn't even crack the skill that the bull had activated!

Winching a bit, he jumps back as the bull strikes out with its remaining tusk, being a hair slower than the bull's strike the boy is sent flying into a tree.

"Boom!" The impact causes the tree to fold in on itself.

"Ekon," Cecily cries out as she jumps towards the impact point of her brother's body. A violent rage boils in her eyes.

His body's bleeding from a fair few places and his right arms bent at a funny angle. A bitter expression rest on his face as he looks at his little sister. His eyes don't show the expression of one beaten.

The bull renewed by the vigor of defeating one of its foe's charges forward with the intention of trampling over the pair.

However, its plans are short-lived, an arrow flying forward and cut through its two skills. The arrow burrows deep into the left eye socket of the bull. Blood gushes like a fountain from its eye socket.

Rearing its head back it violent shakes and starts to stamp about, trying to stop the pain in its eye. Trees are toppled by it's senseless struggle. It's the iron body still coated its body, along with its fortress stances.

"Nice shot Silvyr. I'll finish it off," Hollis says, her green eyes transform into a blood-red color.

Like a giant bird of prey, she falls from the sky towards the unsuspecting bull. As she nears the bull, the thick scent of blood and cranage enter her nose, and the blooded color in her eyes darkens until it's nearly black.

With the weight of her body, she slams her sword into the half-fractured tusk of the bull. It's tusk splinters easily, and without much resistance, it gives way to the force of the blow, and a violent tremor runs through its body as it loses its other precious tusk.

"Thud!" The loud sound as its tusk hit's the ground echo's through the forest. Not allowing it to recover at all, she jumps up from the ground.

Her arm protest at the added stress that she has to bear, but she grits her teeth and wills her body forward. Jumping on the snout of the beast, she springboards off it and jumps onto it's back and cleaves downward onto its spine.

「Critical Strike Activated! 」

"Kaboom!" The sound of the blade falling onto the spine of the beast was defending, because she managed to cleave her way straight through the body of the beast. Bisecting its body into two completely separate halves.

A finally dying whine leaves the mouth of the bull.

Landing on the ground, blood sprays down on her completely covering her, from head to toe.

"Thud! Thud!" The two halves of the body kick up dirt as they slam into the blood-covered ground.

"Hell yeah," she grins as she lets the sword fall from her hand, and her knees turn to jelly as she sinks down onto the ground.

Surround by the carnage of her kill, she sticks her tongue and licks the blood that pouring down her face. Her face scrunches up and she shakes her head slightly.

It wasn't the best-tasting blood she's had but it wasn't bad.

"Are you okay?" Silvyr asks as he jumps down from the tree, he was in. His bodies covered in a light set of elven armor, and a bow rest on his back.

The scene in front of him made his stomach turn a little. Sitting in a puddle of beast blood, completely covered in blood was Hollis. Her hair was completely matted to her head, and it was like she'd been dunked into a vat of blood.

A grimace began to slide its way onto his face. His hands tighten around the bow that he's got strung to his back.

Shaking her head ever so slightly, blood splatters all around her.

She gives a smile and wipes her hand across her face before giving him a thumbs up.

"Never been better," she laughs!

"Cecily could use a little help over here!" Cecily says hauling her brother over her shoulder. He's covered in wood chippings and blood.

They'd slayed the Forest Giant!