The Wolf Man

After removing all of my armor and replacing it with casual clothing. I was ready to go out and see just what the city was held. Even though it was dead in the early morning hours. A city during the day and night are two completely different beasts of burden.

At least some of the solider would be off duty. Solider would want to unwind with after a hard and stressful day of work. That being the case I might get a chance to talk to them. The only problem that I currently face was the fact that I was a child.

It seems that being a child in this world meant that I was also treated like one. Well by people that did not know I was a Vampire. It would be best to try my best and not let anyone see my fangs.

Jumping between the building, I can't help but heave a sigh of annoyance. This body was convenient and inconvenient at the same time. Stopping on the roof of a storefront, I quickly adjust the black cape that I had on.

It was slightly windy outside, and I wind blew the cape around my body. Looking around from my high vantage point, I look around for opening bars. From up high, I can see a wide broad swath of the city.

It was a lot busier at night than I had been this morning. I can see quite a few people moving around the city in small groups. Looking forward, I realize that I'm quite far away from the wall. It seems like I made it towards the center of the town.

But that wasn't a problem. I could see pretty far away. In the distance, I could see the torchlights that are shinning all along the wall. It seems like they at least had a pretty solid posting of guards along the wall.

At least they seemed to be mindful of the threat of an attack at night.

Turning my attention elsewhere I notice that around me a few bars have people entering and exiting out of them. The inns also seem to be pretty busy. Theodora did mention that there was an adventurer's guild in the city.

I could possibly start there and see if any of the adventures had any information that could help me. If they were still in the town that meant that they were probably here to fight off the hoard of goblins!

Clapping my hands tighter, I decide on my course of action. Readying myself I begin to jump between buildings and start looking around for a guildhall.

The cool night air swept through my body and I smile. This was quite nice. After jumping between ten or so buildings, I finally see a building that appears to be the guildhall. Above the entrance of the door hung a plack that had the design of a shield arrow and sword craved into it.

That was probably it. It was not near the center of the city like the administration building had been. Instead, the Guild Hall was situated near the main gate. You couldn't see if when you entered from the main gate due to it being to the far left of the giant courtyard.

Landing atop of a building that was to the right of the Guild Hall. I survey the area first before I head down onto the ground. Not disappointing my expectations there are a fair few people around the building and entering into it.

The rowdy sound within the hall is carried outwards and I grin.

I should go and take a closer look then!

Jumping down from the building my feet land light on the ground. Looking around the alleyway that I land in. I let out a sigh, no one was around to see me. Straightening my cloak again, I step out and approach the Guild Hall.

The street was still sparely populated other than around the Guild Hall. It seems that normal citizens were too afraid to go out still. Not that I blamed them if they didn't have any combat experience, then a hoard of goblins was truly frightening.

Nearing the entrance of the Guild Hall. Quite a few burly men are outside talking to one of another. They were loud.

"Can you believe this?"

"Isn't it great. We can make a lot of money by just slaying some measly goblins!"

"Like taking candy from a baby!"

They start laughing and drinking some more.

I shake my head. At least they seem to have some spine, but they also were underestimating the goblin's forces. But if they didn't know that they were coming in the thousands then I suppose even I would have the same overbearing confidence.

Heading past them, I walk through the open doors to the inside of the Guild Hall! The noise was even louder when I got inside.

It was bright and full of life on the inside. It was like one of the Guildhalls out of the books in my past life. Rows of long tables lined the hall and there was a counter where a few women and men were working at. Besides them was a huge bulletin board full of listings.

Then to the left of that on the other side of the long tables is a kitchen that busy preparing and churning out food for the swarm of adventurers seated. Other than the main floor, I saw stairs that lead upwards into another level.

There weren't as many people up top on the second floor, and it looked a little nicer than the first floor. From what I could see there were only a few people up on the second floor.

Ducking my head, I head forward and walk towards the bulletin board. Once I got closer, I saw that it was full of flyers. Looking closer, I smile, they are all in a language that I understood. All of the listings had to do with Goblins.

It was hard to find one that did not have something to do with goblins. There was a lot of listing, and most of them are posted by the city. They called for adventurers to assist the military and the guards in the coming days.

On top of that, it was also looking for skill adventurers that were capable of making traps and arrows. Some were even calling for the mass production of arrows and pikes.

Glancing through the rest of them, I felt my head swim with the number of flyers. Sighing, I lower my head and press a hand to my eyes.

A shadow falls over me.

"What's a lil girl like you doing here?" The playful voice of a man enters my ears.

Turning around I find that a rather tall and decent looking guy is standing over me. Even though I could only see half his face.

He is dressed head to toe in armor. His armor was grey like a storm cloud, and it had a design of a wolf's head on the chest. His helmet was also the same shape as a wolf's head. A huge battle-ax was strapped to his back and he was a rather large and towering man.

Compared to him I was, seriously, short. How in the world had I managed to catch his attention?

"I'm looking at the board, obviously," I bite out.

Phew, someone whistles from beside him.

Looking towards the sound, I find a short man dressed in light armor. That only had metal on the chest and around his arms and legs. All of his joints are covered with leather. At his waist is strapped a short sword and a dagger. His hair was green, and he wore a mask around his face and neck. His eyes are squinty and deep green to match his hair.

Standing side by side they made for an interesting pair.

"That's not what I meant. Where is your guardian did you lose them? It's not safe for a child to walk around at this time of night," the big wolfman says gentler this time.

I roll my eyes at him.

"Maybe you're too scary with that helm on, Rudolph," the green-haired man says.

Rudolph looks at him and then back towards me. I was still keeping my face covered to the best of my ability with the cloak. But I had to look up to see this towering man.

"Maybe," Rudolph says rubbing his chin.

"I'm not lost and I'm not afraid of you," I say point with a shrug.

"Then why are you here? Are you here to put up a quest? If you want to do that then you should talk to one of the receptionists at the front desk," Rudolph continues. He was a nice man, huh?

Taking another look at him, I size him up. He seems like a capable individual. Along with the green-haired man next to him.

I could be friends with the two of them. Maybe, they would be helpful and have some information about the situation at hand.

Raising a hand to my hooded cloak, I pull it down and let them look at me.

"Well, you're a pretty lil one," the green-haired man whistles. While the stoic wolfman keeps an even face.

"I'm not here to put in a request. I've come to take up a quest to slay goblins," I state simply.

"You know that you are a little too young to slay goblins. It would be better if you left that to us. I wouldn't want you to get hurt," Rudolph continues.

I can't help but smirk at his comment.

"I'm perfectly capable of taking on a goblin. I may look like a child but I'm not one. Please do your best to not treat me like one," I explain to him with a grin.

He continues to look down on me. This time his mouth flattens out into a thin line.

"Then are your perhaps a half-elf then?" He asks.

Oh, then this world also had elves. Do I perhaps look like a half-elf then? That would be a helpful way to explain my skill even though I still look like a child.

I nod my head. "I am a half-elf," I state simply.

"Wow, I've never seen a half-elf before! But if Rudolph would know he's been together in parties with half-elves before," the green-haired man chuckles.

"How old are you then?" He asks moving closer towards me.

When all of a sudden Rudolph's hand comes down onto his head. Thump!

"Don't you know it's a rude thing to ask a woman her age!" Rudolph says.

"Eighty," I say simply. Although the truth was eight, what was the harm in adding an extra zero.

"Allow me to introduce myself," Rudolph says as he removes his helmet.

Once his helmet comes off. A handsome face appears. His features are defined and sharp. His eyes are a deep blue and he has grey hair that's slightly shaggy. But other than that, he is a tall darkly handsome man. Most women would be all over him.

"Rudolph, Son of Hekla. I hail from the nomadic people of the western mountains," he says pressing three fingers to his mouth and then his heart before pointing them towards me.

I could feel a few sets of eyes on us, but I try to ignore them.

"I'm Eiji," the green-haired man says with a small bow.

"I'm Hollis. I'm sorry, but I don't want to give out my family name," I tell them with a soft smile.

"Everyone has their circumstances. If you don't mind would you care to join us for dinner?" Rudolph asks.

Smiling, I nod my head. "I'd be pleased to accompany you both," I tell them with a nod.