Companions on the Battlefield

By the time we finished our food, I felt full and satisfied. We'd also gotten closer the two of them weren't that bad. In all honesty, if given the chance I would probably be friends with the two of them.

"You've just been wondering, huh?" Eiji asks.

"I have."

"Damn, the long lifespan of elves is amazing and even half-elves benefit from it too," he laughs downing the rest of his drink.

"A long life doesn't mean that she has it easy. If anything, her long life is probably more of a burden then our short lives," Rudolph chimes in.

After getting to sit and talk with him. I found that he was nothing more than a big softy on the inside of that hard shell of his.

"I'm still young. It hasn't been that hard, yet. When more time pass and everyone that I know dies then I'm sure that it will become harder. But life as an adventurer means that you don't know when you'll die either," I say swirling my water.

"Already wise," Eiji smirks.

I shake my head and drink the rest of my water.

"Shall we talk about something else a little less pleasant?" Rudolph asks.

I look up and meet eyes with him. Those piercing eyes are looking straight into my soul as he gives a small smile. It looks like he had the same idea as me. Leaning back in my seat, I lock my fingers together.

"We've put it off all this time. I almost thought that we wouldn't get to it," I chuckle.

"I couldn't spoil dinner," Rudolph smiles deviously.

Ah… what a sly man!

"That was rather kind of you."

Eiji was sitting silently he looks a little confused by the conversation that I and Rudolph had engaged in. His green eyes are watching us both with curiosity.

"I'm a gentleman first and foremost. Now you could have refused my invitation to dinner. But you didn't and throughout dinner, you seemed to be deciding on something. I'd like to know why you accepted my invitation?"

"Because I wanted something to eat," I say coyly.

He keeps smiling. "Obviously."

"But that's not the only reason. I was here looking for information on the goblins," I say unfolding my hands.

He lowers his eyes and picks up his mug. "Why would you need that information. You came in with her. Wouldn't you have heard the situation to her?"

I give a small shrug. "I'm not completely trusted as an outsider," I tell him.

"That's true the old man of hers doesn't have loose lips. He wouldn't tell an outsider information like that. If anything, he would try his best to simply use them to the best of his abilities," Rudolph says taking a drink.

"Not only that but those three others around him are hard to break," Eiji says. It seems he realized what were discussing.

The upper level was quiet now. The others that had been up here had left at some point. There were only about three others up here now and they were all on the other side of the dining area.

It doesn't appear that they can hear our conversation.

"Which would lead you to seek out some information regarding the hoard that is heading for the town," Rudolph finished.

I give him a dry smile and nod my head.

"Not that I want to go behind the back of my employer. However, I have no reason to charge headfirst into unknown territory," I shrug.

"Well eighty years of living has given you reason enough to not trust others," Eiji chuckles.

"What makes you think that you can trust us then?" Rudolph asks flexing his knuckles.

"As you have said being alive for that long lets me know who to trust and who not to trust," I say winking.

Both of their eyes widen as they look at me. But then a grin slides onto Rudolph's face, while Eiji just throws his hands up.

"I can't argue with that," Rudolph says.

"Then, I am assuming that you don't know the threat that this city is facing?" He asks.

"I have an idea, but I would like to get some specifics," I tell him.

Leaning back in his chair he takes a deep breath and looks towards me. The look on his face was quite heavy and serious.

"It would appear that this city is likely to fall. New of the goblin hoard counts their number in the thousands if not more. It safe to say that this will be an all-out battle. There are orcs and hobgoblins that have been sighted by the scouts."

"Not only are there that but the mages and healers that they have with them are enough to keep the lower goblins alive long enough to tear down the gate!"

"Doesn't this city have a solid wall?" I ask.

"Solid walls can only last so long when an orc is tearing through them. No matter what comes for this city… blood will be spilled," Rudolph says solemnly.

I felt my blood quicken in my veins. My body was alive with the idea of getting to slaughter and slaughter. But I try to dampen my mood. I didn't want them to know that I was excited at the thought of bloodshed.

It appears though that I was right to assume that this city would be under siege with stronger goblin variants than before.

"What about adventurers?" I ask.

"What about them? We're getting paid a high price to fight alongside the battlefield. We are not afraid of dying. Besides, if it becomes an unwinnable battle then I plan to retreat," Rudolph explains with a steadfast face.

"How do you plan to retreat if there are a hoard of goblins on your heels?" I ask.

He smiles and gestures towards Eiji.

"He can use teleportation magic. Of course, there are some stipulations to it, but it effective for getting yourself out of tight spots," he explains.

Looking at Eiji I wouldn't imagine that he would be able to perform that magic.

"That's rather impressive," I say.

Eiji seems to smile at my compliment.

"A compliment from a beauty like you is always appreciated," he says with a wink.

Was he drunk?

"Don't mind him. He can't always hold his liquor," Rudolph says.

Nodding, I look at him again and find that his eyes are slightly unfocused. It looks like he had a little too much. Since he was hitting on a child. But that didn't take away from the fact that he was skilled in teleportation magic.

"What do you plan to do?" Rudolph asks.

Turning I look at him. He has a concerned look on his face. I felt touched.

"In regard to the goblin hoard?" I pause and think for a second. "I don't plan to run away. I have a contract in place at the moment. It would be rude to back out at this point. Just like you, I don't plan to die either.

However, I am ready to lay down my life if required," I smirk.

"It seems that I can't change your mind. Not that I would try to either. I suppose that means we will be on the battlefield together. We'll consider yourself a friend in arms if you need to reach us. We are staying at the 'Golden Hen'," he says.

Pushing away from the table he stands up and motions to Eiji. He stands up, as well.

"I'll be sure to contact you. Thanks for the dinner and information," I say looking at the two of them.

"Catch you later Hollis Baby," Eiji says giving me a smile. Rudolph puts a hand on his back and shakes his head.

"Have a good evening. Be careful too. Things aren't how they seem all the time," Rudolph says as parting words, and both him and Eiji head out towards the stairs.

Watching them leave, I feel a weight sink onto my shoulders at his last words. Was something other than the goblin hoard happening in the city?

Thinking on everything for a moment, I sigh and push myself out of my chair. Standing I head for the stairs and walk down then back to the first floor. It had gotten a little quieter in here but not by much. People are still drinking and being rowdy.

Walking past them I head out into the night. The cool breeze of the evening sweeps across my body. Looking around I find that almost everyone has cleared out of the street.

Turning I head for an alleyway when the shrill sound of a scream pierces the still night air.

"What now?" I sigh.