Chapter 5: The Battle of Friends & The Downpour of Wisdom

Rosy also started typing her answer, God, Spirit of God, Word, Angels, Cherubs, Seraphs, Archangel, 24 Elders, 4 Living Creatures. Those are what she had also remembered from the past BAC challenges she have watched and what she have learned reading the Book with her father.

While Sei was getting a hard time remembering, on his typing pad he have written almost the same as Rosy except Word. Time flew so fast and the buzzer had sounded. The MC said, let us see the answers on the board. Ms Rosy Damp received a total of 100 points and Mr Seisho Chosa receives 81 points.

The MC also have given the location where in the Book all of this are written and the explanation to the answer plus giving some additional bonus hints. Saying in the book of Genesis you will be able to locate the 1st answer God who is the father of Spirits and the Creator, the 2nd is the Word which is the only begotten one, who God have conceive from His bosom written in the books of Psalms, Proverbs, and John. 3rd is also read in Genesis, God's Spirit who have encircled what we know now as the Earth, and the following, in no particular order, the Twenty Four Elders and Four Living Creatures found in Revelation or Apocalypses. Archangel found in books of Daniel, Judas, and Revelation who is known as Michael. Cherubims found in the books of Genesis, Psalms, Isaiah, and Ezekiel. Satan or lucifer is one of the cherubs before becoming and called what he is now. Seraphims found in Isaiah. And lastly Angels who were also called the sons of God, found in most of the books but much more relevant in Genesis, Job, Psalms, and in the 16 books of the New Testament.

Sei took a glimpse at Rosy and smile at her, and said to himself, "she really has a good memory, good job Rosy". At the same time Rosy saw Sei is looking at her with a very comfortable smile, she smiled back while saying "I understand Sei, I will give my all".

The MC have started speaking again and giving the next question of the battle. Our next question is "Who are the 4 persons who have divided the Holy Book giving them chapters and verses?". You have two minutes to write down your answers starting now.

Both of the contestants have answered the same names, "Archbishop Stephen Langton, Cardinal Hugo de Sancto Caro, Rabbi Isaac Nathan ben Kalonymus, and Robert Estienne". It seems they are in unison while writing down their answers on their holographic pulpits writing boards. After writing or typing down the answer, they can press the green button to let the MC know that they have finished answering with conformity, and the MC can already announced the answers right away.

The holographic figure of the MC got startled being able for them to press both the green button. He announces that they are both correct and gotten 100 points each.

Rosy is leading only a mere nine points. The MC is giving the third question "What is the exact number and the names that became Apostles of God?" Your two minutes starts now!

Sei have already started writing down his answers and it shows

Simon, who is called Peter

Andrew, Peter's brother

James, son of Zebedee

John, son of Zebedee




Matthew the publican

James the son of Alphaeus

Lebbaeus, whose surname was Thaddaeus;

Simon the Canaanite

Judas Iscariot, who also betrayed Christ

Matthias, who replaced Judas

Rosy's answers was different, she wrote the following:

Simon, who is called Peter

Andrew, Peter's brother

James, son of Zebedee

John, son of Zebedee




Matthew the publican

James the son of Alphaeus

Lebbaeus, whose surname was Thaddaeus

Simon the Canaanite

Judas Iscariot, who also betrayed Christ

Matthias, who replaced Judas


Saull, who is called Paul

Jesus Christ

The MC has started the timer countdown signaling the two minutes are over, five, four, three, two, one. Stop typing your answers! He says. Let's us show their answers on the board. With the viewers are quietly observing the match and waiting for the correct answer to be announced. The MC says that Ms Rosy has a perfect score all of her answers are correct, getting one hundred points. Sei's missed three answers short but still received eighty one points.

Only two more questions remaining in the match, and Rosy is leading only twenty eight points, having a total score of three hundred points, while Sei has two hundred seventy two points. The crowd were cheering on, more at Rosy. Sei is enjoying the fun game that he is experiencing with his best friend Rosy. There is no feeling of competition.

A loud shout was heard by everyone, let's ask the fourth question the MC said. "In what time or generation did men started or began to call upon the name of the LORD GOD?"

Both Sei and Rosy are unawares of the answer to the question, they don't have any idea when did men started calling or Praying to God. Sei may have competed reading the Book twice, but he was not able to read anything about. Even Rosy can't remember anything his father have thought her.

The two minutes is up and they both don't have any answers.

Bro Eriya was watching and very curious about this particular match, because it was reported to him, that a certain participant have gain multiple points for accepting six multiple challenges but only played one match, which is currently happening right now.The MC is now telling everyone the answer to the question. He said "the answer is written in Genesis, the third generation from Adam, his grandson Enos".

Then Brother Eriya added to what the MC was saying. Elaborating in details that God is not egocentric, not selfish, nor uses coercion. He did not ask anyone to praise Him or follow Him or acknowledge Him. Men only started calling to God on the third generation from Adam, which is from the time of Enos. But God did not ask nor commanded for man to do so. Men also called to different gods which they have made by their own inventions and machinations. The very first recorded history of men that is in the scripture of Genesis in the place were Jacob stole the graven idol gods of his stepfather Laban. Though we only read it in that location in the Book, but men have worshipped or praised what they know as god, just like the gods of Egypt Hindus, and other neighboring nations, and in the year of 3200 BC is what they say the very first god or deity ever known outside of the Book, a different god is being worship.

That only proves the research of known Psychologist, the belief that we are born to believe in God, it's wired into the brain, humans are programmed to the believe of God, because it gives them a better chance of survival. That magical and supernatural beings are hardwired into our brains from birth, and that are religions are very were tapping into a powerful psychological force.

That is why He (GOD Almighty) gave us freewill, He wants us to do it on our own accord that is when Enos started praising and worshipping God without Him giving any order or commandment. That is also why other men have done in the past worshipping someone, created their own gods for their chance of survival.

Only after the Israelites were freed from the bondage in Egypt, were they are given the commandment who to worship, and not any kind of idols or any graven images or even likeness, showing that He is a jealous God. That is written in the book of Exodus. But then in the book or epistle of John when Jesus ask a Samarian woman for a drink of water, and from there Jesus said "Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father. Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews. But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth."

The spectators from the crowd, Sei, Rosy, and the MC were all stuck in awe, from the bonus information that Brother Eriya has given. It is like a flood of so many data was being downloaded and still the storage is not enough to contain it. Everyone is like can't move on after that very detailed explanation.

Brother Eriya gave the MC the go ahead signal for the final question of the match for Sei and Rosy.

from Wikipedia: "Archbishop Stephen Langton and Cardinal Hugo de Sancto Caro developed different schemas for systematic division of the Book in the early 13th century. It is the system of Archbishop Langton on which the modern chapter divisions are based. Old Testament versifications were made that correspond predominantly with the existing Hebrew full stops, with a few isolated exceptions. Most attribute these to Rabbi Isaac Nathan ben Kalonymus's work for the first Hebrew Book concordance around 1440. Robert Estienne created an alternate numbering in his 1551 edition of the Greek New Testament[17] which was also used in his 1553 publication of the Book in French. Estienne's system of division was widely adopted, and it is this system which is found in almost all modern Books. Estienne produced a 1555 Vulgate that is the first Book to include the verse numbers integrated into the text. Before this work, they were printed in the margins.