
As we came back to the village, I was once again helping Caleb to walk as his leg was becoming inflamed. It was difficult, as I had to carry my halberd, and support my cousin's weight.

The village was different from when I had entered it this morning, several small and incredibly basic structures had been built from trees felled from the nearby woods. The adults were swarming around a pair of half skeleton houses that were being built in the center of the village.

So when a girl, maybe a year or two older than me ran over, I wasn't exactly surprised. She wore a plain thread dress and plain leather shoes, but what was surprising was that she wore a leather smok, a belt tied around her waist held a large amount of vials with odd colored liquids, a pair of satchels were hung from her shoulders.

Her hair was messily tied back behind her head but for the few strands that refused and hung in front of her face. Vibrant brown eyes looked at Caleb with concern. "Caleb! What happened to your leg?" She stopped us and forced Caleb to sit down.

"The roof fell and the doorway... I couldn't move until Elizabeth helped me out." He mumbled, as his face slowly turned red.

"A whole roof this time?" She shook her head and peeled of the bandages that I'd applied. "Well, it's not too late yet." She took a vial from her satchel and liberally poured it over Caleb's leg. She then quickly pulled out white linens and wrapped his leg. She pulled another vial and handed it to him. "Drink half today and the rest tomorrow."

She stood back up and looked over at me. "You must be our resident baroness." She gave me a small curtsy, "greetings milady."

"Oh no," I shook my head. "Just call me Liz, and you can forget about that lady stuff, I never much liked it."

"Oh, I'm Shanri then." She hesitated for a second, "what's your opinion of alchemists?"

"I'be never met one, but... They pursue a knowledge that the rest of us don't feel a need to know." I shrugged, "aren't you a herbalist?"

"Herbalist?" She tilted her head to the side. "I guess it may seem that way!" She laughed. "But oh, am I so glad to finally meet someone who doesn't think I'm crazy."

"Shanri! Why the hell did you run off like that?" Caleb who had just stood up grimaced.

"Oh Jean," Shanri beamed at the newcomer. "Caleb here injured his leg, could you help him home?"

The muscle bound guy must be Jean then, he returned the smile. "Course Shanri, won't be a problem."

With that he nearly swept Caleb off the ground. He then started back to the village, Caleb screaming to be put down the entire time, that he could walk on his own damn legs.

Shanri giggled, her hand covering her mouth. "Oh, those two." She shook her head. She grabbed my hand and pulled me between some burned houses.

She stopped suddenly and turned around. "Do you know what a solution is?" She held up a vial full of a cleat liquid.

"Isn't it the base an alchemist uses when creating potions?" I asked.

"Yes! Exactly!" She embraced me tightly. "I think I'm in love." She said with a teasing look on her face.

"Oh, I almost forgot! You haven't met the others." She grabbed my hand and dragged me down another alley until we arrived at a cellar, she opened the doors and gestured for me to enter. I did, wary of the ceiling, and quickly leaning my halberd in a corner once I entered.

"Blini! Kini! Li-li! You girls here?" Shanri shouted.

"Why wouldn't we?" A small voice squeaked, "Jean was looking for us earlier. This is the only place he won't go!"

I couldn't see more than a few feet in front of me, there was no light in the cellar. Someone struck a match and put it to the head of a candle. The flame slowly illuminated a young girl, perhaps fifteen or so. She lit another candle and put the first on a table. The table was crowded with all kinds of odd instruments, glass beakers, vials, a burner, and a network of small pipes that didn't seem to begin or end.

"Kini, did you already use what I gave you last time?" Shanri asked. To the girl's mood she sighed and grabbed a lone vial from a self. "This is the last I'll be able to give you for a while."

She took the vial. "But, can't you just make more Shanri?" She asked, a panicked look in her eyes.

Shanri shrugged, "when I find some cinnamon, yes. But not before then."

Kini clenched her hand into a fist and with great resolve said. "I'll find some for you then."

"Blini?" Shanri called.

"She's sleeping." The little voice squeaked again.

Shanri took the candle on the table and walked further back, revealing a girl, about nine or ten standing over another girl of about thirteen sleeping on a wooden bench.

"Alright, might as well let her." Shanri looked around. "Oh, I almost forgot!" She walked over to me, "Everyone, this is Elizabeth." She started to point everyone out. "She's Kini, the one sleeping over there is Blini, and the little one is Li-li." Kini nodded, but seemed lost in a world of thought. Li-li squeaked a greeting before trying to hide in a corner.

I smiled at them, "it's nice to meet all you, you can just call me Liz."

"Hello Liz." Kini beamed, "it's nice to meet you."

We chatted for hours, eventually Blini woke and joined in. I learned much about the village from them. Li-li had a brother named Isok, he spent much of his time working the forge with his father, their mother was a tailor and that was sho Li-li spent the majority of her time with her when she wasn't with her friends.

"Oh, it must be getting late. Blini, could you take Li-li home?" Shanri asked.

"Sure," she poked Li-li cheeks. "I need some quality time with out little Li-li." She took her hand and they left.

Kini sighed, "thanks for letting us stay here Shanri, we really appreciate it." She left after giving us both a quick embrace.

I turned to Shanri, "I don't mean to be a bother, but... I don't know the way back yet."

"It's not a bother at all, come on, I'll show you." She waited until I grabbed my halberd hen we ascended the steps as soon as she blew out the candles. It was late, the cool evening air brushed against my skin like a cool kiss. We walked down the roads until the square was in sight.

"I think I can find my way from here." I said.

"Alright, stay safe Liz." Shanri smiled before turning back.

Ding! Quest completed! Make friends (5/5)

Ding! Quest reward. +5 affinity with current friends.

Ding! Quest chain discovered. The alchemist.

I skipped with excitement to aunt's house, it had been rebuilt, the smell of fresh wood permeated the air. A light flickered from behind the door, and as I entered I could see aunt and uncle sitting at the table. Uncle seemed to have fallen asleep, but aunt seemed almost distraught.

She looked up as I closed the door, smiling brightly. I leaned my halberd against the wall beside the door, and moved to sit at the table, the house had only one room, being divided by large cloth curtains. Aunt stood and shook her head.

"Let's just get some sleep, conversation can wait till morning." She pointed me towards the curtain on the left of the house. There was a small bed pushed against the wall, a small wardrobe and chest as well as another curtain dividing me from where aunt and uncle slept.

I crawled into the bed, pulling the blankets tight. There would be time tomorrow for conversation.