City of Alps Prominent Heirs

The City of Alps has a prominent family, and the Salvatore's are one of them. But the Salvatore doesn't like to get involved in the marriage alliance for businesses with prominent families especially to the family of the Yeo. The Yeo family has two children, Damien Yeo who is the current CEO of spirit distillery, and Janine Yeo who is a spoiled brat who set her eyes to Clarence Salvatore.

The Yeo family is the first in the first on the list then followed by the Salvatore's then the Greene's; the Greene's owned some famous boutiques at the City of Alps, the famous Justin Greene is the CEO and President of the Dreams Boutique, the fourth prominent family is the Mendez who owned some restaurant and bars but still the Elites bar is the most famous and prominent of all because it was run by Clarence and the drinks they offer are the self-recipe made by Dahlia. No one can copy those self-made recipes for the bartenders are very loyal to the Salvatore's. Andrew Mendez is the President of Destiny group of companies wherein the same name of the bar he handles. Even though his family already has bars he still hangs out at the Elites bar.

The fifth one was Hernandez's…. The Hernandez has 3 children, Isaac and his twin brother Ian and their youngest sister Ynah. They owned the IT Company known as the IY3 which signifies the first letter of their names. Then the last one was the Chong which owns one of the Entertainment Company Music and Me; Nathan Chong which is the cousin of Damien and also the CEO / President of the said company. He had a sister named Rhea who is a culinary student at one of the prestigious schools of culinary arts in the city.

Out of the sixth prominent families, only the Salvatore's are not close to the five families, and Clarence is not friends with the said heirs of the families, for Clarence his world only spins around to his parents and his sister Dahlia. He was the CEO/President of Elites bar and some Hotel and Resort at the City of Alps, his friends are Troy Alvarez, and the two doctors Kristoff Marquez and Yumi Chan.

When the Yeo family found out that Janine likes Clarence Salvatore their eyes shine for they want to have a business alliance to the said family. But the Salvatore family seemed to be aloof to them and even to the other 4 well-known families and it seemed that the heir Clarence Salvatore didn't pay any likings to the young miss of the Yeo family. They tried to convince Clarence's parents for marriage alliance but they simply declined, they said that Clarence didn't like them to make some arrangements especially when it comes to things like marriage.

The truth is that Clarence didn't like Janine at all, he doesn't like women throwing themselves to men just to get their attention. Damien spoiled Janine that's why he will do everything for Janine just to get Clarence unto their hands. That's why they have planned to drug him and made some kind of a scheme that he and Janine slept together and they have made love. But they were wrong, Janine ends up sleeping with another man who took her chastity while Clarence was saved by his shadow guards just in time.

Damien was furious and he asks his friends to help him to beat Clarence and took his rights to all of his businesses as compensation for Janine. He also demanded marriage to him so that Janine will not be humiliated by the social circle. Clarence refused that's why the men they hired beat him up to death, when Clarence got the news about it they rushed to the warehouse where the prominent heirs brought him but they didn't expect that his parents will meet their accident.

They left Clarence half-dead to the warehouse to see first the situation about his parents but they didn't expect that someone manages to rescue him, they knew that once Clarence survived his situation he will seek justice and revenge. The prominent heirs manage to have a funeral to Clarence parents, they gave them a proper resting place for they already assumed that he will seek his parents' ashes that's why the columbarium wherein they put the ashes was heavily guarded. They never expect that someone will take it.

They also investigate the Mansion of the Salvatore's after those frightful incidents, they got to know that all the servants are gone. Even all the things inside the house were gone, some say that the heiress of the Salvatore manages to transfer everything and everyone to a secluded place; to where no one knows.



"Who the hell is the Salvatore heiress? How come we didn't know about this and how come there is no name to be found at the registry of birth, is she an illegitimate or outcast to the family" Isaac said as he throws the papers to the table that came from the investigators that they have hired just to get pieces of information about the said heiress.

"I think they didn't want the society to know her, maybe she is very ugly" Janine retorted as she sat down the couch.

"Do our people found out where is Clarence? We must first focus on finding him rather that heiress" Nathan speaks up as he looks at Damien who is silent the whole time.

Andrew sighed and shook his head, "The men that I've hired said that there is no Clarence Salvatore in all the hospital and cemetery here at City of Alps. Some already reported to me about the three friends of Clarence, Troy is busy managing the Elites bar while the two is very busy to the hospital."

The 5 heirs were very busy discussing the situation of Clarence when Daniel Park knocked on the door of their big office. Daniel Park is the assistant of Damien and one of their friend, as he enters the office he can feel the ambiance inside very suffocating. "Sir I just want to report that, the Elites Bar is no longer continuing their contract with us. They didn't sign for the exclusive contract of Elites Bar to Spirits Distillery, they said that they will not be offering the products of our company to the bar" Daniel reported to Damien. "If they will not offer our products, then where they can get the finest wines and other alcoholic beverages?" Justin ask.

"Mr. Troy Alvarez said that the heiress of the Salvatore's decided not to sign any contract under the names of the 5 heirs of the City of Alps. They have just signed an exclusive contract to L&L Distillery of City B" Daniel added.

Damien looks at his assistant, "When did our contract ended at Elites Bar?"

"Just a month ago Damien, we have a scheduled signing of contract this month as per the schedule of Clarence but I think it will not be pushed through because of this incident. If this happens it will be a great loss for our companies, since the heiress of Salvatore already announces that they will not sign up to our companies" Isaac answered his questions as his business is also tied up with Clarence's businesses.

"So it means that even the Hotels and Resorts who are still under the name of Clarence and his friends that is not in our hands will not be entertaining our companies?" Catherine asks them as she was shocked to hear those reports. Catherine Wei is Damien's girlfriend for 3 years.

"Is the heiress of the Salvatore decided on to this? How many percents of shares does she hold to the companies?" Isaac asks Daniel Park. "Isaac, ask for that information, they said that she holds at least 55% of shares, and since Mr. Clarence is nowhere to be found and their parents are already dead. She got at least 70% total shares because the remaining 30% is subdivided to Mr. Alvarez, Ms. Chan, and Mr. Marquez" Daniel informed them.

"What's the name of this heiress? And why is it she only shows herself now? Is she a legitimate Salvatore?" Nathan mumbled but they all heard it. "They said that the heiress leaves this country at the age of 10 to study abroad. She left the country because of a tragic accident happened that she had witnessed. She also requested Mr. Clarence and their parents not to introduce her to the society for she wants to have a low key kind of life. That's what Mr. Alvarez has informed me." Daniel added.

Damien closed his eyes, "Catherine, go shop first. Me and the boys need to discuss this, please bring Janine with you." Janine and Catherine stood up and they comply with Damien's orders for they can feel the storm that is been brewing for the news he just got. They left after Damien gave Janine her platinum bank card and Damien also ordered some bodyguards to follow them.

After the girls left, Damien ordered Daniel to close and lock the door of his office. He also gave his secretary a notice that no one will disturb them and he asks her to cancel all his scheduled meetings from today up to Saturday for they need to make some investigations regarding this heiress of Salvatore.