The 5 Heirs Information's

"Since everyone is already here we will now begin the real meeting. We all need to know the background of our prey" Sonya informed them. She handed 9 black folders to each one of them, Troy and his friends didn't know everything about the 5 heirs. Sonya opened her laptop and the projector, the first picture that was shown was Isaac Hernandez.

Name: Isaac John Hernandez

DOB: October 06

Age: 25

Civil Status: Single (girlfriend is Beatrice Chu, a flight attendant)

Siblings: Ian Hernandez (twin brother, 25); Ynah Hernandez (younger sister, 20)

Company: IY3 (IT Company)

Position: CEO/President

Parents: Luis Hernandez (56); Mary Hernandez (54)

It is said that the IY3 has a contract with your company for the means of securities and other kinds of stuff, his twin brother Ian is the COO of the IY3 and he is the head of the IT department at four season's resort.

As Dahlia looks at the pictures at the projector, I've already met that girl before. I am with Ciara and Keith at that time, we have a business trip about a project given by the government of the City. B to us. You are with us that time Timothy, are you not familiar with her? She flirted with you while we are still on air" Dahlia informed everyone. Timothy stared at the picture that is also indicated in the folder. "Yeah, I remember her. Ciara even took care of her just to stop pestering me" Timothy told them.

Charles: Ciara and Keith are Luna's accountants and number 3 mercenaries' of the Black Shadow. They used to be your shadow guard Troy."

Zoey: " Boss D, Isn't that Ynah girl the one who used to apply for an internship in one of your hotels at City B?"

"Is that so?!" Dahlia said and gave an evil grin that gives goosebumps to everyone.

"Our company has already terminated the contracts under IY3 as you have requested, we didn't sign up for another contract with them and I have already fired Ian Hernandez at Four Season's Resort" Troy informed Dahlia. Dahlia nod her head and smiled.

Sonya: "Okay, next is Andrew Mendez

Name: Andrew Lorenzo Mendez

DOB: June 22

Age: 25

Civil Status: Single (girlfriend is Joyce Joong, a model)

Sibling: Alexa Mendez (23; adopted)

Company: Destiny Group of Company

Position: CEO/President

Parents: Julian Mendez (60); Karen Mendez (58, legal wife); Emma Ching (45, mistress)

Sonya: "Reign Ching who is Nathan Chong's girlfriend is Emma Ching's only daughter. I will further introduce later on who are the two-person is, Andrew is known as the most womanizer among the 5 heirs, but Joyce Joong is his to be a wife because of an arranged marriage by the Joong and Mendez Elders. Andrew's grandparents from the paternal side are the best friends of your paternal grandparents. Since your father didn't like an arrange marriage type, your grandparents withdrew the marriage for an alliance to the Mendez's Elders."

Dahlia: "So I will be the pawn of my grandparents from the paternal side. It is good enough that our parents didn't like the tradition and culture of arranged marriage. But who is Alexa?"

Kristoff: "Alexa was the adopted daughter of Mendez's, she was the daughter of the late Sarah Mendez who is the only sister of Julian Mendez. Sarah died after giving birth to Alexa, her father was unknown to the Mendez's for Sarah didn't disclose the identity of the man. But the socialites club said that the man who got Sarah Greene pregnant was just an ordinary man, who drug Sarah Greene in one of the events that she always attends and do his deed and left her."

Dahlia: "Their lives are very complicated. They are not a happy people."

Name: Justin Carl Greene

DOB: December 26

Age: 26

Civil Status: Single (girlfriend is Charlotte Sandoval; doctor)

Sibling: Erin Greene (18; half-sister)

Company: Dreams and Magic Boutique (formerly known as Dreams Boutique)

Position: CEO/President

Parents: Leo Greene (60); Elizabeth Greene (59); Evelyn Reid (30; mistress)

Troy: "Dreams and Magic Boutiques have a 3-year contract with D&C hotel for their store was located inside your hotel. Since we break the contract we have to pay them around 10 million dollars for breach of contract."

Dahlia: "Have you arrange the payment? Wait, what about Erin? Who is Erin?"

Troy: "Not yet, I still want to ask you if we are going to wire the payment or through cheque? And to answer your question about Erin, she was the daughter to someone else and not to the mistress. The Greene family is much more complicated than the Yeo family. Now Dahlia, cash or cheque?"

Dahlia: "Pay them with cash. They will know who am I if we will wire it or through cheque. We need to disclose some details about me and my people. Sonya will be my representative and she will help you Big Brother Troy. Next!"

Name: Nathan Yohan Chong

DOB: October 26

Age: 25

Civil Status: Single (girlfriend is Reign Ching; 21; Personal Assistant)

Sibling: Rhea Chong (18; adoptive daughter)

Company: Music and Me Entertainment Company

Position: CEO/President

Parents: Henry Chong (65); Victoria Yeo (60)

Sonya: "Nathan and Damien were first degree cousins. Nathan also is known as one of the most sought bachelors among the five heirs for his name was not stained in any gossips about having an affair with the opposite gender."

Dahlia: "Reign Ching was his girlfriend who is the daughter of Andrew Mendez's father' to his mistress. So why is it that her surname was not Mendez? And who is Rhea? These families love to adopt children nor love to have mistresses."

Yumi: "Rhea is adopted from the orphanage run by your mother's friend Sister Mary Margaret. Ms. Victoria wants to have another child and she wants a daughter specifically so they've made an adoption a secret from the elite society. I was just have known about this because when the girl meets an accident and she needs a blood transfusion, no one in the family has the same blood type."

Sonya: "Karen Mendez who is the legal wife of Julian Mendez threatens him that once he gave his surname to Reign Ching, she will take out her shares to the company. Karen owns about 65% of shares at Destiny Group of Company the 15% of it belongs to Andrew."

Dahlia: "Timothy, make a research about Karen Mendez and to whom we can buy some shares at the Chong company….I would like to buy some of the 50% of the shares of Karen Mendez and some shares of Chong company. I would like to expand my knowledge and money. Next"

Name: Damien Yeo

DOB: August 31

Age: 25

Civil Status: Single (girlfriend is Catherine Wei, 23, Executive Secretary and Personal Assistant)

Sibling: Janine Yeo (21)

Company: Spirit Distillery

Position: CEO/President

Parents: Erick Yeo (60); Ava Yeo (58)

Paternal Elders: Nicholas Yeo; Julia Yeo

Maternal Elders: Raoul Chiong; Athena Chiong

Yumi: "It is said that Elder Nicholas and Julia Yeo doesn't like Damien's girlfriend Catherine. They're highly opposed to their relationship for they think that Catherine Wei only wants their money and because of the status of both Yeo and Chiong families which is considered as the untouchables here at City of Alps, she climbs at Damien's bed. It is also said that Catherine only loves Damien because of the perks she was getting from him."

Kristoff: "The socialite circle here at City of Alps knew about their relationship, some women envy Catherine because Damien keeps her as his woman. There is still no engagement proposal has been made, because both Elders threaten Damien that once he proposes and marries Catherine he will ve disowned by bought families and his inheritance will be given to charities and orphanages. They will also give his position of being a CEO/PRESIDENT to someone else that is outside of their family. It was announced in one of the board meetings and events that the Yeo and Chiong once have at D&C Hotel."

Troy: "Elder Nicholas is looking for a woman who could marry his grandson. He has some qualifications that can fit his grandson's character, someone who has a much strong character than Damien. Elder Nicholas sometimes has seen in some bars, events, social functions, and parties just to look for a possible bride candidate."

Kristoff: "He wants a woman who could open Damien's eyes to what kind of girlfriend Catherine is, he wants a much independent woman who could be opposed and will not bow to Damien's character. Someone who is not blinded by money and status, someone who could always give Damien a headache.

Sonya and Timothy were staring at Dahlia, they are observing the angel face but have a devilish heart. They are afraid when she becomes silent but they are most terrified if she smiled or laughs. "The angel in disguise is studying the prey's and I hope she will not include the Elders to her hunting escapade" Timothy whispered to Sonya.

Dahlia was staring at the images of the Elders she was memorizing the images of everyone that is shown at the projector. "Sonya and Timothy I want the two of you to dig more pieces of information about the five heirs and their so-called girlfriends. I mean...their likes and dislikes in everything, allergies, fears, and something that we can use for mental tortures. Zoey you are assigned to the parents and elders, do the same thing, but yours is ASAP. Charles can't be disturbed for he will be assisting Kristoff and Yumi in regards to the welfare of my brother. Rdy since Kitana is not yet here, you help Troy about the renovations of Elites Bar" Dahlia bombarded them with many requests but the 5 sub-bosses of Shadow can already feel her evil plans.

Troy: "Little Dahlia, what if Damien and his friends will look for you? What if they will make some researches about your identity here and at City B?"

Dahlia looks at Troy who is full of concern, he was wearing the same face just like Clarence have when they left her at City B 10 years ago. "They won't find anything about me at City B Troy. My identity has been disclosed there for almost 8 years, Timothy's brother already helps me with that thing. And they also hacked the system of birth registry here at City of Alps, they've already disclosed some important details about my identity. Don't worry, everything has been taken control."