Black Shadow is now starting it's move

Salvatore Estate; Mt. Cube

Dahlia also got a copy that was sent to the five heirs, as she read the message she smiled and it gives creeps to her five friends and her brothers' friends as well. "I am just starting, and I will be your grim reaper five heirs and family," Dahlia said as her eyes look at the screen of the laptop. "I also hack their important files Boss D, I think Nathan Chiong is having some underworld business with Lance Montenegro" Timothy informed Dahlia.

"Hhmm interesting..." an evil grin was formed on her lips. "We can't do anything yet today, but I'll make it sure that the Shadows will pay a visit to Mr. Lance Montenegro in upcoming weeks." Dahlia side glance to Timothy as she has something brewing on her mind.

"Brother Troy, Sonya will accompany you tomorrow at Elites Bar. Next week we will close it for renovations, Sonya already knew where to place the employees in our other companies. We will close the Elites Bar for two months as we prepare for our surprise to the people of the Alps. Sonya already have the blueprint e-mailed to you last week, have you seen it?" Dahlia informed Troy.

Troy: "Yes little Dahlia, I already ask some of my contacts in the construction to help us in the construction of the new Elites Bar."

Dahlia nodded and smiled..."I want the whole City of Alps knew that the heiress of the Salvatore is back... I want them to talk about it after we open the Elites. But for now, we will just live a low key lifestyle... I will just want to start first with the sister who brought Clarence into that situation."


Sonep Bldg.; Spirit Distillery Office

The five heirs together with their assistants were very busy about the hacking incident at their personal computers, security and accounting departments, Reign is also busy accessing the damage at Nathan's files for she knew that most of the files that were hacked on it were very confidential especially the ones that belong to the underworld. They have a surprise in their lives when they saw the logo of an unfamiliar group.

"Have you already contacted Lance?" Damien asks his assistant Daniel. "Yes and he said that he will visit us today. I didn't inform him yet the exact and full details Sir, it is much better to explain it when he's here" Daniel replied.

"Damien do you have any idea who owns that logo? The logo is different from the logo's used by Lance Montenegro and Paolo Karlos Montecillo's Mafia Organizations" Andrew asks his friend. They all look at Damien in unison as for Damien he just stared at the moving logo at his laptop screen.

After 30 minutes Lance Montenegro arrives at Damien's office, he was with his four trusted men. Daniel Park was the one who receives them at the lobby, and Lance brought his four trusted men and one gorgeous lady assistant. Daniel observes the people around Lance Montenegro, he didn't know that this underworld boss has a lady on his side. The private elevator stops at the office of Damien and as they all strides at Damien's office, Lance stops for a while and he felt his heart beating. He can feel the creeps and shivers on his spine and he doesn't like it, "Daniel does your boss offend someone? I mean does he offend someone that has a relationship to Black Shadow Mafia of City B?" he asks Daniel. Daniel was confused but he shook his head for he didn't know anything about Black Shadow Mafia, as they all went inside Damien's office, the nervousness that he felt a while ago became more obvious that even his people he brought became aware of it.

As soon as his eyes saw the logo at Nathan's laptop which is facing him he stop from walking. "What did you do Damien? Why did you offend someone who has a relationship with the Black Shadow? Who did you cause somebody to lose face this time?" he uttered. The five heirs, Reign, and their assistant looks at him in unison and gave a confusing look, the people he brought also stop from walking as soon as they heard him. They knew who the Black Shadow Mafia's are and they are terrified to offend anyone from that organization.

"Boss Lance, even if you will pay us with millions of cash….we will not take the mission. We can't offend the Shadows, they are very ruthless people especially their Boss. You can ask someone but not us" one of his subordinates' informed him. Damien becomes more confused to what he heard, "Please take your seat first Lance and brief me about this Black Shadow for I didn't know who they are and as I remember I didn't offend someone" Damien informed him.

Lance shook his head, I can't tell you who they are but they will not send you a death notice like that in your computer system if you didn't offend someone who knows them" he informed them. "Young Master Damien, please do remember or recollect what you did for the past months. The Shadows will not make a move not unless you bullied or offend someone and asks for their help" the lady subordinate asks Damien.

Damien and his friends look at each other, they can't disclose the facts that they are the ones who hurt Clarence Salvatore. They are the ones who cause some changes at the companies of the Salvatore and they left Clarence half dead and until now they can't find his body. They all went to silence when the question of Lance was heard, "Damien I can't help you this time. The Shadows are different Mafia organizations, they are recognized organizations at City B and they also help the government of City B to in everything. They are considered the most ruthless, cruel, heartless, and no conscience underworld organization, my people and even Montecillo's people are afraid of them. They are not an easy target, all members of that organization came from prominent families at City B and all of them are degree holders. The Boss of Black Shadow doesn't have a heart especially if you bully someone, and the boss owns 65% of businesses at City B.

"A few weeks ago, we hired some people to hurt Clarence Salvatore, he did something to Damien's sister Janine and he didn't want to take responsibility for her that's why we came up to give him a simple beating" Isaac informed Lance and his people. "Young Master Isaac, is it a lie, or is that the truth? Shadows will not make a move if you are telling us the truth" Martin told them. Martin is Lance's right-hand man, he was the most trusted man of Lance, "Isaac, before the Shadows make the moves they already made some researches about the case that they are going to have and I am afraid that you are not telling us the whole story" Lance told them.

"Whether it is the truth or a lie still you have to help us. How come the Salvatore will know someone from the underworld? They never get affiliated themselves to your organization and even to Karlos Montecillo's organization. They've never engaged in other activities even the arrange marriage of Clarence to prominent daughters of well-known families here at City of Alps. "Do you have anything to do with Clarence's car accident?" Lance asks them again. The heirs shook their heads, "We didn't do anything about that, only the beating to the pulp of Clarence and about the whole story why we did it Damien will tell you" Nathan speaks up and informed him. Lance looks at Damien as waited for his story to be revealed.

Damien recalled and told the whole story to Lance and his people, he told everything and even the transfer of some businesses of the Salvatore under his name. After Lance heard everything he shook his head as he bows his head and closes his eyes, as he lifts his head and sighs deeply and said "I can't help you about the Shadows Damien, even if you going to pay us millions of dollars for it, I won't help you for I don't have a death wish for myself and my people. Black Shadow was different, you can't buy them and their trust and once they send you the death logo like what you all have in your cellphones….just wait for a week or months and they will all show up and you will all have their wrath. You can't ask for Montecillo's help for he was very much affiliated with the head of the mafia."

"Okay, if you can't help me regarding this matter. We will ask you for another matter, could you help us to get all information's about the heiress of the Salvatore's. I mean about the younger sister of Clarence Salvatore, we want to know everything about her and if you could get some pictures" Damien inform Lance and he handed him some stacks of cash.