A Message On The Bird's Wing

As the days business concluded, Halime and her family felt prepared to face any calamity that were to come their way. Most of the essential items on the list had been acquired without further ado and for a price that would not leave their backs broken and coffers empty as the next dawn broke.

Miraç's management skills were truly fearsome. His trading skill too. A lot of unrequired material was traded for much of use. They still awaited the carrier pigeon sent with Hamad. It seemed that it would not arrive before the sun rose next. All they could do was to wait and pray. Inşa Allah, Inşa Allah.....


Hamad reached Basra by naightfall. He headed straight for the inns at the karavanserai*.

The merchants would stay there for the night had they arrived. At the gate of the karavanserai he could see that the sandstorm had hit them too but with a much lighter intensity. There were some minor repair works going on but the inn front housed the merchants horses.

He met some merchants at the inn and confirmed that they would move on the next day.They should reach with the goods train in a few days. He wrote a message and sent it on the bird's wing away to Halime.


*karavanserai: A caravansary=an inn with a central courtyard for travellers in the desert regions of Asia or North Africa. (pronunced: car-uh-vahn-seh-ri(as in rider)).

*Inşa Allah: God willing(pronunced in-sha al-lah).