Can’t cope

I woke up fine today I was confused because I had no idea what time it was. I slept for 14 hours I think, I was hungry but the food I wanted was gone. No one was home so I made something. I am glad I did not eat it all.

It was 8 serving sizes I just needed 1.

I wanted to read but now I'm crying one of the most important things to me being able to read I can't do it right now without becoming too emotional that I have to stop I'm crying and I know it's just me being stupid but my emotions they are against me I just want to be able to read and feel appropriate amounts of emotions so I can enjoy the books. I want to go outside today but I have no motivation to function like an adult. I feel if I stand in front of a window or go outside today people ( there is nobody outside I checked) will stare and gossip saying I'm ugly. Look pathetic look disgusting look fat, unkempt. I'm giving myself anxiety and I can't stop it I'm trying but these thoughts are not going away I wish i could ignore those non existent people with their nonsense thoughts but it's invading my mind like a parasite. It feels like a parasite that feeds off fear is inside of my brain and its getting bigger. My stomach feels like it's dropping like I'm free falling I feel like I'm gonna be sick my chest aches and my head is throbbing and I'm getting mad that I'm still crying. Go away I want it all to go away. I want to stop this hurts