"P-Prince," I mumbled, blinking in surprise.

Suddenly, the room that is filled with voices, stopped immediately when the Prince is standing right in front of me, mentioning that we've met before. I feel flustered when everyone now paid their attention to me. Mom and dad looked at me, they looked bewildered too.

"You're late, I thought you won't be attending the party. I've been waiting for you," Lucean started to blatantly speak. How can he say that without feeling embarrassed? I blushed at his confession.

"Oh, um, sorry. There's something that came up, but I'm here now," I said, grinning sheepishly.

Ah, I'm speaking informally again. I realized I spoke informally since my mom covered her lips with her fan, looked at me with wide eyes. Lucean chuckled.

"I see. But where are you heading? You're going to leave even though I just met you?" he asked, glancing at my mom and dad.

Mom and dad visibly flinched, then looked at each other, then towards me. Dad cleared his throat, bowing his head a little bit.

"Apologizes Your Highness, our son Brahms is sick. We told him to rest, but," he looked at me, sighed. "He attended the party without our consent,"

"Ah, a rebel I see," Lucean said amusingly. I cleared my throat, looking away. Lucean chuckled. "Maybe because he feels pressured that I wish to see him today,"

"Oh, I don't know Your Majesty met with my son before," mom said.

"Maybe we can talk about it more in details later," Lucean said, smiling. "Because I want to have a dance with my future consort,"


I choked on my on saliva at Lucean's shocking remarks. Gasps echoed around the room, and the subtle music that has been playing suddenly stopped. I looked at Lucean with wide eyes— no, not just me, but everyone in this room. Esma put her hands on her lips, mom opened her lips and her eyes are shaking.

After a couple of seconds of silence,

"You— wait, you, you mean— " I stuttered.

Lucean smiled brightly and offered his hand towards me.

"May I please have a dance with you?" He avoided everyone's shocked state.

I looked over his hand, then back to his eyes. His eyes are warm, causing my whole body to feel like it's melting inside. What am I supposed to do with my heart? it's beating like crazy! I glanced over at my parents who's still in shock, but one person told me to accept Lucean's hand. Then my eyes wandered to Mercie, who's gaping her mouth, her eyes are filled with shock, and resentment.

I smiled happily upon seeing her face.

She didn't see this coming, I knew it. It must be her who shouted my name so my parents would catch me red-handed.

"With pleasure," I replied, accepting Lucean's hand.

Lucean and I walked to the middle of the hall, and everyone slowly backed away from us, giving us some space. I stood right in front of him, his hand slowly and gently wrapped around my hips. His touch is gentle and brimming with care as if he's handling a very precious and fragile gem. His eyes won't stop searching into mine. Piercing, captivating. It feels like the whole world revolved around me, and time has stopped as we danced.

I can't even hear the music, I could only hear our beating heart harmonize to each step that we took.

"Will you be my companion, Brahms Cottingham?"

He asked in a low and heavy tone. My face gets hotter, but I smiled while lowering my eyes.

"..., Yes,"

His face looked overjoyed. And then I hear the crowd cheered happily as they realized that the Prince has finally chosen a consort. I blushed.

How did this happen to me? I remember waking up to a new body, everything seemed progressing so fast.

"Ack—" I winced when I feel an agonizing pain struck my head.

"Brahms?" Lucean asked in worry, stopped his movements when he saw my expression.

But after that, I can't even see clearly anymore. My vision suddenly become blurry, and my ears are ringing. All I feel is pain. The pain is tremendous that I immediately collapsed onto Lucean's warm chest.