chapter 20- Kelly captured

Kelly walks through the alley and looks around for clues as approaches the faint smell of blood ahead where they were found

she approaches just as the smell dries but notices tiny spots of blood

Kelly looks closely as they make a trail she follows and finds an arrow drawn in the wall pointing ahead of where the blood trail ends

'mustve ran out of blood means he probably didn't bleed much likely still alive' Kelly thinks to herself as she continues onwards until she approaches a dead end

she sends her location to Sam as the wall shakes and starts to open to reveal a dark room

she sends a short report to Sam before hiding her phone

she proceeds into the dark room as the wall door shuts and she becomes surrounded in complete darkness

she stands there and listens to the shuffles surrounding her

a light comes on suddenly as Kelly finds herself surrounded by people with one looking down from a platform above

"I assume you're looking for Kasey and bella(their mom" the man on the platform says

"so your the one who took them" Kelly says with an angry tone while looking up while also sensing the people around her getting ready for a fight

"indeed I assume your Bella's daughter" the man says

Kelly stays silent

"which makes you Kasey's twin sister" the man says with an eerie smirk on his face as he gives Kelly the creeps along with a bad feeling

"so whats it matter" Kelly asks

"you'll be useful as well then" the man says

"capture her"

the ones surrounding Kelly Start to move in closer to her until one goes for a hit

Kelly dodges and reflects as the rest start in and the fighting begins

the man watches from above as Kelly defends herself until someone walks beside the man with a gun that gets pointed towards Kelly

Kelly is too busy fighting to notice until she feels a sting in her arm to find a dart

she pulls it out but its too late as she passes out


Kelly wakes up to find herself chained up with her arms above and wrists together

she attempts to feel the ground but finds that she's hanging so she looks around and finds Kasey across from her hanging as well and injured as if he's been tortured

she tries to get his attention until someone walks in

its the same man from earlier

"well look who's awake" the man says as he walks over to Kelly

"what have you done" Kelly says with anger and rage in her voice

"what it looks like although I didn't expect him to hold out this long" the man says as he walks over to Kasey and circles him before turning back to Kelly

"but we have you now so you can take his place it's too bad we have to start the process over but what can we do" the man says in disappointment but also excitement

"what is it you want" Kelly asks

"that's for me to know and for you to find out" the man says as he walks back towards the door

"don't worry" the man says as he motions for someone to come in "we'll start tomorrow so you can catch up with your brother in the meantime"

someone comes in and unchains Kelly and Kasey

"that is if he wakes up" the man says with laughter as he walks out

Kelly runs towards the door and charges into it as it fully closes and ends up running into it

Kelly looks at the door in anger before turning to Kasey and running towards him

she bends down and sits on her knees as she grabs Kasey's head and lifts it up closer to her

"Kasey" Kelly says as she shakes trying to wake him up

after a few attempts he opens his eyes slightly

"Kasey!" Kelly says with a tone of relief

Kasey suddenly bursts up but falls back as he has no strength

"you.. have to.. get out.. of here" Kasey says looking at Kelly with worry and fear

"he's a... wolf hunter" Kasey says with the last of his strength as he nearly passes out again

Kelly has a look of shock on her face with fear upon the news

"we have to get out" Kelly mumbles as she starts looking for a way to escape

Kelly sets Kasey's head down and heads towards the door as she starts to try and break it down

many hours and many tries later

Kelly has not even made a dent while her hands and shoulders are red and sore from trying and she's out of breath from trying

she walks back over to kasey and drops down beside him while looking up

Kelly then notices a window as Kasey has regained a bit of strength and sits up

Kelly gets up and heads towards the window to see the moon rising as night approaches

"it's pointless" Kasey says sitting up and looking at Kelly who's started climbing the wall

Kelly looks back

"so what now then" Kelly says as she attempts to pull the bars off the window with no luck

Kasey goes silent as he thinks

Kelly jumps down and makes a thud before walking over to Kasey

Kelly sits down beside Kasey and begins thinking as well

as time passes still with no ideas they eventually fall asleep