

"Akito, that hurts!" I complained as he started laughing while continuing to pull my hair. "Stop!" I pleaded before picking up the boy and spinning him around. A knock sounded at the door and we quickly looked that way to see one person I didn't want to see."

"So Shari wasn't lying."

"Noah…" I whispered as I set Akito down and stood, but I was pulled from my feelings and back into reality when Akito tugged on my shirt.

"Mama, you know this man?"

I looked to Noah with regret before smiling towards the small child. "Yes, I met him when I ventured through this town a long time ago with your big sister."

Akito smiled up to the man, "you make my mom happy." He giggled, "just you coming here made her happy!"

I tapped Akito on the head with my hand. "Akito, what did I tell you about saying other's feelings out loud?"

"Not everyone can read them like I can so I have to keep them to myself, right?"

I nodded, but looked back up when Gonen walked into the room with Kairi close behind. They both froze when they saw Noah, "What's the matter, Kairi?"

She looked to me, "Mom, I just got a message from Henry. He said that father is waiting for us on the outskirts of this town."

Akito grabbed on my arm, "Daddy's really mad, isn't he?"

I smiled and kissed his forehead, "he could never be mad at you Akito. Do not worry."

"But you are worried, Mama?"

Kairi hurried over, "Mom is just worried father will be angry since she let herself get hurt in order to protect a human."

"Daddy doesn't like it when you help the humans."

I let out a laugh of nervousness, "whatever gave you that idea, Akito? Your Father cares for the humans. He does everything to keep the humans of this city safe."

"Come on Mom. The longer we take, the angrier he will get."

I nodded before allowing Kairi to help me stand up, but my old injury reacted and I quickly grabbed my knee, "Slow down Kairi."

"What's the matter?" Asher asked as he and his mother came into the room, "did you hurt your knee during that fight?"

I shook my head before lifting my pant leg up to show the deep purple line that went around my leg right below my knee. "One of the Wielders severed my leg after I was made part of the royal family."

"Why would someone do that to one of their royal family members?" The queen questioned.

I smiled towards her, "blood is more important in the world of the Wielders than social status."

Kairi helped me sit back down, "Mom has had multiple murder attempts conspired against her since we left here. Most of them father finds out about and stops, but about a year ago, a man snuck into our home and tried to kill mom when she was sleeping."

"That was in the past, Kairi. The humans do not need to know of such pity affairs." I helped Akito button his shirt, "we should be going. We have overstayed our welcome."

Akito grabbed my arm, "but you don't want to leave, Mama," he whispered and I quickly watched him. "You want to stay here for a little while longer."

Kairi bopped him on the head, "Akito, humans don't need to know. Even though this is your first time around humans, you still should keep yourself in check."

"My king!" A man suddenly yelled but I was surprised to see a fully grown Messene run into the room. "We have located the wielder you sent us to find!" He nearly fell back when he realized Kairi and I inhabited the room. "My god…"

"Who is this man, mama?" Akito asked as he moved from Kairi and tugged on my pants.

"He helped your sister and I out a long time ago."

"Kairi," he paused, "Lady Eva." Words seemed impossible for him to form, "How?"

The king cleared his throat, "Eva, the man you injured has been captured by my soldiers. What do you believe should be done with him? It is your call."

I slowly walked over to the door, "Messene, show me to the Wielder."

"But mom!"

I turned back to Kairi with strength, "it is alright, Kairi," my face turned to sadness. "These humans deserve to see what I have become." I looked to the man I wanted to shield from the truth, "Gonen, be my witness. Let me show you the true capabilities of those you hate."

I turned away and let Messene lead me outside to the training field where the bleeding wielder was being forced to the ground by a group of soldiers. "Release him!"

The king and the others followed me out, "do as she says!"

The soldiers let go of the man as the king ordered them to come to his side for their own safety. I watched the angry man stand up and stare me down with pure hate. "The skin of a human certainly suits you better than that of a wielder, Queen Eva!"

I pulled off my earring and the gold band on my wrist in order to show my long, black hair, pure white skin, and nearly black looking red eyes along with my full powers.

"Do you realized the punishments that are due from the crimes you committed?"

He laughed, "Do you realized the punishments that are due from your conception?!"

My blood boiled, but everyone stopped in shock as they saw a spike made of my blood, from my wound, stuck in the ground behind the man. His face started to pour blood from the large cut it inflicted.

"This city is off limits to all Wielders other than my children and myself!" I hissed as my eyes turned black, "and you dare to attack an innocent human child?! That is unforgivable!"

The man screamed as spikes of my blood came from the ground and pierced the man through his back in at least 100 different places, even though I had yet to raise a finger.

"Humans are just animals to you, right?! They are just a lower species on the food chain!" More spikes came from the ground as the man hollered in pain. Everyone watched as I walked over to the man, "let your death be a lesson to anyone who dares enter the only place I can call home! I will use you to show the entire world of Wielders what I will do to those who defy my only rule!"

I finally lifted my hand towards the sky and, as I threw it towards the ground, a hammer of blood the size of a room came down on the man and demolished him in a scream of horror. After a moment I felt the weight of my blood loss and kneeled to the ground as my legs shook.

"Mom!" Kairi hollered as she ran over to me and embraced me tightly.