First Impressions

"Then shall we leave?"

Ele nodded and wrapped her arm around Rainer's own, pressing herself into him.

Rainer laughed inwardly, knowing once more she found a situation where her flirting wasn't necessarily flirting. After all, it made perfect sense to want to be as close and tightly together as possible prior to a 'teleport'. It wasn't like she knew this was [Void-walking], not teleporting and that they didn't even need to be touching.

He used a low level of [Arcane Awakening] and readied his mind towards his [Arcanum Shield]s. It never hurt to be prepared.

"Well, for the start, it is not too far from the Blood Moon Ma-" Ele managed to get out before she found herself standing right in front of said Mansion.

"Next?" Rainer said, ignoring the stunned looks of various Moon Elves around him. Ele stared at him for several long moments, like a puzzle she had no hopes of figuring out.

Rainer chuckled a bit, remembering how smooth of a trip [Void-walking] was, especially at such short distances. It was nothing like teleportation. Briefly, his thoughts drifted towards just how she had experienced teleportation in the past before just assuming her Magic-Swordsman based family may very well have a teleportation skillset. Good to know. Rainer firsthand knew the dangers of teleporting swordsmen.

"It is a large, round, single-floored building just north of here."

"Single floor?" Rainer asked, having learned just how high land prices were here. With a direct connection to the Southern Countries, it truly was a valuable trade hub. It was the Earth equivalent of having the only city with access to the Silk Road.

"Yes, I know, wasteful. Is how you do things in the North different?" she said slipping in questions about his homeland whenever she could. Something of a habit for her. It was good that Ele was back to mostly normal, Rainer thought.

"We are Mages first, researchers second, and warriors third," Rainer said, quickly coming up with an excuse for his own existence and lack of political decorum. That, and the phrase summed up his own beliefs quite nicely. Nothing wrong with setting up the eventual Guild, or Order, that would be based on his ideas.

"I will explain the basics of the meeting to you then after we've arrived. We should have a bit of time as we take our seats. In terms of etiquette, we often host many visitors from many places, and the clans themselves vary greatly, so there are few official things you need worry about. And the structure of the meeting should be quite clear after the first few ambassadors have been presented. We should be one of the last in that regard."

The pair vanished several times, though it seemed like a single teleport for Ele. They both appeared in the center of an open room, swords drawn and bow strings taut at their arrival. Only Ele's confident presence, one that had changed from bewilderment at his 'teleportation' to self-assurance in but a moment, stopped any escalation.

Rainer's eyes took in the room. But at the end of the day, he couldn't deny his first interest in coming here no matter how much he wanted to. His first interest being the only one still on guard and just several feet away from him with her bow drawn:

[Lamia, Female, Storm of Arrows(2nd) lvl 24, Siegebreaker(2nd) lvl 19]

[Title: Rain of Death]

It was worth the wait.

Her lower torso extended as a long, green-scaled snake, coiling at the very end as her whole body seemed like a spring waiting to be unleashed. A light skirt of black covered the end of her human half and a black camisole lined with a greenish metal on the bottom was the only other piece of clothing she wore.

A quiver of enchanted arrows lay on her back. Her ears were slightly pointed and had scales leading up the back of them. Two serpentine eyes of green glared at him from a head of crimson hair. Rainer didn't even truly take note that someone of considerable power was still aiming to kill him until he snapped out of it a few seconds later.

"Saya, he is a guest of my clan," Ele spoke to the woman, who while tensed on half of her tail, stood two feet over Rainer. Three, over the much shorter Elf.

Rainer glanced at the Elf, who seemed to be oddly brave given the circumstances.

The Lamia stared at him for a long time before putting her bow back around her shoulders. She left and passed through a stone archway into what Rainer assumed was the main hall.

"I apologize. She is not fond of Mages. Such a nice girl she was prior to joining the Dragon Isles with their War against the North and their Mages. I suppose seeing the causal destruction Magic was capable of soured her. I mean no offence of course, but civilian casualties were beyond high.

"The North avoided open battle when they could, and wrought damage elsewhere to lure and spread the forces of the Dragon Isles. Few would ever admit it, but the war only truly ended when the Wolf King and Saya, separately, started hunting down Mages of note. Being ancient men faced with their own mortality, it didn't take long for them to retreat to safety. Prior to that, it was going to all hell for most countries and their populaces," Ele spoke while removing herself from Rainer's arm and putting a bit of distance between them. They were after all, making sure not to seem too close.

Even with this, Rainer could see her tension around him drop and was happy to see Ele relax like she did back when they traveled together. Having a friend be anxious and afraid of him was disappointing.

He glanced around the open hallway, seemingly only one floor in name given the 30-foot ceiling, noticing many of it's inhabitants were still staring at them. That ended when moments later Kellaria sent a few of the gawkers a glare and walked over to the pair.

"Lord Magus," he said with a bow.

"Kellaria of the Blood Moon," Rainer returned, noticing how seemingly unbothered the man was. If one ignored the bags under his eyes. He supposed finding assassins or spies easily hiding in your room for an untold length of time would be disconcerting.

"Shall we head to our seats? We are starting earlier than planned it seems," Kellaria said with some obvious distaste. Rainer easily imagined that for someone who cared about etiquette starting early was quite bothersome.

"We'll meet you there," Rainer said before vanishing, appearing among the Moon Elves in the room. Powering through the block again proved easy enough. No one seemed to notice him right away, before several hands found their way to their swords. Yet seeing Elelaria by his side, no one made any further moves. The Elf herself hid her surprise at being brought along in a teleport with no contact between them.

In the circular room with a round stage in the center were several different levels of chairs. Rainer found himself led to the top, seated right next to the highest chair. Rainer's presence at this meeting was already planned, so while expected his entrance still drew eyes from around the room.

"It is a chair for a guest of honor, right beside the Founding Head."

Everyone's eyes in the room now regarded him with a variety of emotions. Whispers now started of where he came from and why the Blood Moon clan were so insistent in him being present here entered his ears. One spoke about how Ele failed her mission and grabbed the first person of note she could find. He was quickly shut up not only because they noticed they could have been overheard, but casually finding a mage who could teleport in such a manner was of course beyond simple chance.

Except it was chance.

Rainer thought with a bit of glee.

The more powerful in the room looked at him with an undisguised caution. He had, after all, ignored their centuries-old reinforced protections against teleportation. The same type that surrounded many of their personal chambers. It was of little doubt where their thoughts went.

Saya was one of few whose glares were more aggressive in nature. But with her having met him after his previous Void-walk, there was less surprise.

Rainer glanced out at the different seating arrangements in the room. While all around there was tiered seating, the actual seating varied greatly. Elegant chairs of stones for the Blood Moon Elves, fur rugs for Lamia as they appeared to be more lounging than sitting, and backless chairs of the utmost simplicity for the Dwarves. Said Dwarves looked a bit out of sorts among the other homogeneous races. They were a mix of pale, tan and dark skin all seeming from various ethnicities similar from Rainer's earth. He remembered some came from arid regions and others from places more mountainous before they joined together as a clan.

All magical, Rainer confirmed with a secretive [Arcane Sight]. After all, doing a Body Enchantment was only possible on those that were of the magical races. He briefly went over his thoughts on just what he would be aiming for, though he'd start with simply a favorable relationship. But, at the end of it, he needed support for a base of any sort in the Dragon Isles.

Being in a place where other mages struggled to teleport was too huge an advantage to pass up.

The room seemed to quiet soon after and no one seemed willing to break it. Rainer sat in thought as he noticed the powerful of the room were still giving him speculative glances, a few with quite tense faces and posture. Perhaps his entrance and disregard for their means of blocking teleportation had been a bit much?

Slowly, Rainer realized just what he had implied. Thinking back to his encounter with Yazir, it was clear the Skyborne had means of finding him beyond tracking magic. And he had little doubt they knew of his current location, or would eventually know. He had made no efforts in hiding his departure with the Blood Moon Elf Ambassador.

Yet there has been no retaliation. And Rainer didn't expect any. Not only was he resistant against tracking magic, he was a master teleporter as far as they knew. If he was a more scrupulous person, he could wipe out every single Mage Guild in the north single-handedly. He needed only to wait until the Guildmaster or other supporting Mages weren't there and he could Void-walk in, past any defenses. With [Arcane Blade] they'd be no different than any normal men and women.

Perhaps no one from the Skyborne came precisely because they not only feared his background but himself, even with their limited knowledge of his magic. Though they did know he cut through and killed a 2nd Tier Aura user in melee range. Normal mages of his power had their own bases of strength, so unless they wished for mutual destruction they could never do such a thing. But his was an unknown.

And he had just made an identical, but far more clear, declaration to everyone in the room. That no matter where they hid, no matter what defenses they had, he could reach them. Silently at that. Even master teleporters made noise and distorted magic to the point where even normal people could feel it. An ancient [Arch-Lich] who had lived beyond any imaginable time period like the kind he met in Nalmar was an exception. Even then, Rainer could still get a general sense of his teleports and the [Archon] had been far weaker back then.

[Void-walking] was all but unnoticeable except to the powerful already with their senses up. Only time would tell if this was a smart move or not.

"It seems we are all accounted for," a dark-skinned Dwarf, sitting in an equivalent position to where Kellaria would be, spoke.

Uthor then, Rainer guessed.

Kellaria entered moments after that declaration, but nothing about the man indicated he was bothered by the meeting almost starting without him.

"Let us have all the Ambassadors come and speak," a dark-brown haired Lamia spoke. Mala he guessed, given the similar position once more.

A small female Dwarf took center stage. Roughly four and half feet tall, apart from her far sharper facial features as a whole, she was a moderately beautiful woman. A trend Rainer noticed amongst the Ambassadors, if he was right in assuming they had similar seats in relation to Elelaria.

This would be the first round of meetings, where nothing was particularly private. The second round would be exclusive to the leadership of Neutral City, and the final round dealt with private meetings which could extended for weeks or months according to Ele. Sometimes even more official meetings like this would be held.

Mentally, he had already prepared to lower the strength of any enchants he'd be giving as well as the number and, of course, Void-step would never be included as a gift. While he wanted to build a relationship, he wasn't going to overarm people who may not end up as future allies. Possibilities of how to stifle or slow down the gifting of them went through his head as well, along with testing the easy removal of them with Arcane Magic, like any enchant, in [Sleep Learning].

Rainer determined to do his best to learn all he could from this, despite his attention already waning the moment the Dwarf started to speak. He briefly recalled using his [Arcane Presence] to soothe Lilia's nightmares and wondered if he could subtly use it to help him in political situations. Undoubtedly, something to explore.

Mala tuned out the Dwarf who had gone to visit the Serpent King, already knowing the important part. She, of course, knew the gist of all the news the Ambassadors brought back, with the exception of a single Moon Elf, but to them she'd still give her full attention at least.

The Neutral City's lack of any support for slavery had always soured their relationship with the ruler of that kingdom. They would not be receiving help from him despite some racial ties. Hence they didn't even bother sending a Lamia ambassador knowing he may just keep her forcefully rather than being convinced of anything. Instead, she curiously glanced at her granddaughter Saya who was still staring daggers at their newest guest.

The silly girl and her bleeding heart needed to get over what she saw in the war. Who cares if a bunch of half-breeds, and random Lizardkins were horribly magically plagued. It wasn't as if those short-lived races had much more time in them. More pressingly, what did it have to do with them or this Mage right here?

The man himself sent an enduring smile both to her and Saya. Mala barely kept from laughing at how her crimson-haired descendent seemed to visibly fume at that. She licked her lips, lamenting a mage's low fertility rate. This man would certainly make a fine and enjoyable donor for her clan. No matter, it wasn't as if she needed any excuses to approach him. And she still needed to see exactly what he was here for. Such pleasantries could wait until the true business was finished.

She looked down at one of her ambassadors next, the one that had been supposedly traveling alongside this mage and yet never met him. It wasn't hard for Mala to guess that the Moon Elf was responsible for that. Melony was quite the apt seducer and Mala would have had little doubt that she could have taken the mage for them.

At least, those would be her thoughts prior to having seen the powerful spatial caster. The way he looked and the sheer power coming off him, it'd be more likely he'd have taken her rather than the other way around.

It was a strange thing. His mana denoted him as nothing special amongst tier 2 mages. But some other sort of power, two very different ones in fact, in him raised her animalistic instincts. And with the way he teleported in here, as if taking a casual stroll rather than casting a spell of great power, had only furthered that.

The next Dwarf who had visited Tiger King came up next. Beside him was one of the sons of said King. After an introduction, the Tigerkin spoke.

"I am pleased to be here. Your city is as magnificent as ever. In dealing with the trade of the border city..."

The Tigerkin went on to discuss certain trade matters. In private, she had learned of support given. That the pirate crews of the Leaping Tigers, Endless Prowling, and the Shattered Claws changed the focus of their raiding to be around the Taranien Empire. About as subtle as a siege-breaking enchanted arrow. But, the news was pleasing even if the support wasn't direct. After some discussion from officials and economic advisors, Uthor made a final note on the matter of the trade, it being his Ambassador sent.

"We thank you for journey here, Davar Morath, son of the Tiger King. Along with accommodations for as long as you wish we have settled upon a suitable gift for you to take back home."

Uthor went on to offer some particularly valuable herbs for the progression of one's Aura. No one in his procession even said a word, the Dwarves being wholly disinterested in politics and mincing of words in any way. It made them both easy and impossible to manipulate depending on what the situation was.

Next came her own Ambassadors, Yola, who visited the Rat King and Melony who visited the Flame King. Neither had been willing to give direct support, but all made a bit more subtle promises. The Rat King's man relating to some Dark Mages who 'fled' his territory following his own plea for 'help' in tracking them down. And the Flame King's man who had given a similar but more long-winded way of saying they sent in their privateers to help when she first met with him a few days ago.

She had given them both similar concessions as Uthor gave the Tiger King's son. More discussion would be had after their general meeting, of course, as this was just a starting formality. She had little doubt this small gift would be all that these messengers asked for.

The three elven Ambassadors went next. With Elelaria going last, Mala found it hard to focus on anything these two or their guests said. They spoke of various trade agreements and general subjects relating to that.

In private, the Sea King had become the first to give open support along with an all but forced concession to be a part of the Neutral City's planned Dungeon Party, and the Bear King gave none as expected. They had already planned ahead a spot for the Sea King, they merely wanted something out of it first.

And now came the part she was waiting for. Elelaria took the stage alone and as effortlessly as before, the Magus appeared by her side shortly after she introduced her guest as 'Lord Magus Nvos of the Far North'.

Mala heard the grunt given by Uthor and she herself found the same level of surprise, even if she would never show it like the brash Dwarf. His mana was almost untouched. The space around him not even showing the slightest bit of disturbance. Effortless indeed, she thought, upping his possible threat level to far beyond before. Teleportation wasn't supposed to work like that.

Rainer stood on the stage, waiting for Ele to begin her part. He briefly considered singing, to gather all the Charisma Bonuses from his [Bard] titles, but opted against it. Even if those bonuses would offset the fact that he was singing instead of talking, Rainer had little interest in doing so. He couldn't even imagine the effect it would have on his sanity to become a character in a musical.

He planned on his own speaking to be concise and short. There would be little point in talking for long as he'd only accentuate his lack of political acumen. He hoped the [Magus of Tongues] Charisma bonus when speaking would carry him through.

This seemed more like a general gathering that would prelude the meetings afterwards rather than the 'final battle'. Best to get his general point across and avoid any information that was more sensitive in nature. He glanced at the two main focuses of his thoughts.

While the dark-skinned white-bearded Founding Head of the Hammerfell Dwarves looked as ancient as he should be, given his advanced age, the Lamia did not. Given her absolutely massive pool of Mana, he guessed Magicite was the reason for that, while as an Aura-user the Dwarf likely had only his own race's longevity. Which seemed to be quite long.

"I bring news from the Wolf King, while circumstances prevented him sending his own emissary to guard my way, a friend of his led me instead."

That drew surprised whispers given that publicly the Wolf King hated mages. Which couldn't be farther from the truth. The man likely didn't care one way or the other, Rainer guessed. And according to Kara, he had a few mages on retainer, secretly of course.

Ele turned the stage over to Rainer, letting him take the focus.

Rainer took her pause as a queue to step forward, having already decided to introduce himself again after Ele's own version, given that he planned a simple amendment...

"Greetings, members and leaders of the Neutral City. I am [Archon] Rainer Nvos, from beyond the Forbidden North."

The reaction was as expected.

In the Wolf King's Capital, a silent figure stalked his prey. Hiding in the shadows, a Human of ordinary measure watched his target. As always, she was beyond his grasp. Demon Prince Fang barely kept up his disguise without wanting to rush in and attack the Half-Demon. But he knew full well the talent of the Wolf King's sensors, and the moment he'd attack this child the man himself would be here in moments.

He had been watching the Half-Demon every single day for the past week. The routine differed only in the route she took, but it was to the same dungeon every day. The guards with her on some sort of rotation. Judging by her changing Aura, she leveled beyond measure after each Dungeon, likely having switched classes recently.

Glancing down at the cracked amulet around his neck, Fang knew he only had one shot at taking her Soul...

All of it.

The first use of his amulet had been on Demon Prince Shadow, a pure-blooded Vampyr of incredible racial Talent in teleportation. And the first ever to be named Demon Prince in his first tier based on that very Talent.

That had been a hard treat to ignore.

The second was an all-but ordinary Human but with a minor Talent in foresight. Oh how many dark mages would kill for his skill in [Appraisal] from a Fairy Soul.

This Human's full Soul served as both a powerful disguise and a safety net. It was in precisely this way that Fang knew every attempt at grabbing the Half-Wolfkin would fail and that his amulet had only one more use in it.

No enchanter he had ever taken it too had ever been able to fix it. And with good reason. Defying the sight of the Divine certainly wasn't an easy task.

And while he had confidence in beating the Wolf King himself, he knew he'd lose in a prolonged fight where reinforcements would be imminent. And against the fast man, taking an unwilling and moderately strong Half-Demon in a teleport would be a pointless effort.

Fang recalled with some envy the Aural Existence that was the Wolf King. Over two centuries ago, Fang had worked with several other Demon Princes to capture and torture the brother of the previous Wolf King. The man had been resistant to all attempts, including Fang's own Incubus Soul, but when it became clear that no rescue was coming he finally chose to speak.

Following a crooked laugh, the Aura had been torn from his pool and body. Nothing was left but the bloody mess of a dead Wolfkin.

Fang sighed, as he continued his watching. He needed to stay close, for often his pet tracking mage lost the ability to track her, every night as if clockwork only to regain it in the morning with rare exception the disruption continuing.

This Soul was already his, and he would take no chances in losing it.

Rainer paused for a moment as he took in the reactions of the room around him. Disbelief, tension, fear. It was easy enough to prove as the truth, with a simple sharing of just his class name so he doubted anyone would bother calling him out on it. At least publically.

With that last thing he noticed, Rainer ventured to start on the next portion.

"I have long been interested in the sister lands beyond my border," Rainer started, "but I've found our southern Mage neighbors to be… less than adequate."

He noticed Mala, the Founding head of the Lamia of the Everlasting Grove, widen her eyes. It seemed she too had information on the death of Yazir. And had only now made the connection of the Foreign Magus who killed him as Rainer. Even if that wasn't the truth, it was still technically a Foreign Magus from his home.

"Yet my disappointment was quickly remedied. Whether in the Wolf King's Demesne, or now in your city, I find myself content. In that note, I have brought along a gift from my homeland. In the hopes whatever form it takes, we might start a relationship between us," he said, gesturing to Ele to display them.

Holding her hands palm upwards, the enchanted lines across Elelaria's body activated. Moments later she withdrew her stringed instrument from the spatial storage. Rainer saw the Dwarves looking disappointed, and likely with good reason. For all intents and purposes, it looked to be a thing of magic not Aura.

"Whether Mana or Aura, the enchantments only require an adjustment from me. While I cannot provide all the necessary materials for all who wish my gift, my services I can gift to you."

Having finished speaking, Rainer awaited words from any of the leadership. He had understood the general format of this meeting. The ambassadors and their messengers would give a general presentation followed by light questions, words or a formal gift and offering of accommodations from the relevant leader. This may be followed by certain talks of policy and trade. A focus of formalities more than anything else. As far as Rainer could tell, anyone could speak, though priority was given to the affiliations of the ambassador and then by rank.

"There is no loss of function when used with Aura?" Uthor spoke out of turn.

Rainer held down a chuckle, it was just as Elelaria had told him, Dwarves had little care for decorum and mincing words indeed.

Mala held down a scowl at the Dwarf who stole a turn, and with such a rude question. Though, she was thankful his bluntness had given her a chance to distract herself and calm down. Half of her was sure she would have came in with a response of her own, perhaps partially bumbled given the sheer number of surprises she had been given just now.


She thought. It was an easily provable lie, so she doubted he would bother. And it fit everything else about him no matter how little she wanted to admit. The only question left was what he was doing here. What in all possibility could such a man want? And what exactly was an Archon? A race, a title, a class? She admitted quite the bit of personal interest simply in that answer.

Briefly glancing over at Kellaria, Mala found another way to calm herself down. The sick and now sleep deprived Elf barely managed to hide how he was fuming at Uthor. Though, just barely from everyone but her. No doubt the Moon Elf took it personally even after all these centuries, Mala thought with humor. They all knew that was simply how Uthor, and most of his people, were.

In fact, more often than not they used Uthor to ask questions they were unable to. In that most knew of Dwarven standards, no one took any real offense. But even Uthor normally, wouldn't speak out of turn like this.

It was good at least the Archon did not take it personally. If anything, she swore she saw a bit of appreciation on the Archon's face. Mentally, she went over her own approach to the man. Just because he enjoyed the Dwarf's lack of tact, did not mean he was incapable of proper manipulation himself nor that he preferred bluntness. It could be an act to make them think he lacked any ability for all she knew.

"There is a difference in function for some enchantments, but I would not in anyway call it a loss."

Some? Mala questioned to herself. She wondered what else there was. Having a place to safely and easily retrieve some of the more volatile arrows her clan created would be beyond a boon already. In fact, she thought this one was specifically shown because he knew that weakness.

"And what other enchantments are you offering?"

And there came in Uthor, useful as ever.

"Elelaria of the Blood Moon has them all for demonstration purposes. Though I suppose the ones which enhance speed or strength would be less clear in obvious function."

"And with your earlier-"

"Perhaps such discussion is better left for another time," Mala interrupted Uthor; even some things were better left unasked by the Dwarf. Cultural differences only allowed for so much rudeness. The Dwarf had been just about to ask about the whole Archon part of him. Even that man should know better. That question would need to be asked, but certainly questioning the man about whether he was lying or not, and so bluntly, in front of so many wasn't the best idea.

Mala looked over to Kellaria, giving him room to speak. For all that their clans struggled for power from one another, the three of them had been friends from the start. They were merely all in agreeance that peace breeds weakness. No different than the wars of the Dragon Isles, even if there were other factors mixed in. So they saw little reason to stop the 'games' of their clans.

"We are always interested in forming relationships with such people of outstanding character. I should hope you may stay in the city so long as it pleases so that we may further our own relationship."

Mala barely kept her eyebrow down at the Elf who then threw the turn over to her. She had just given him a chance to house the Magus as a guest and he turned it down? A quick glance at the ambassador who recruited this lovely individual told Mala nothing.

Mala inwardly shrugged. She was not one to 'clash against treasured tides'.

"The Lamia of the Everlasting Grove would be honored to provide Archon Nvos a suitable dwelling in our clan for his time in the city, should he have us."

"I would be most honored."

Taking a cue from Elelaria, Rainer went back to his seat. This first round of meetings was very much a formality it seemed. He was a bit glad that any further discussions he'd have would be in personal settings later that day or throughout the weeks ahead until their Leadership meeting ended and any major decisions were then made. While having nothing against public speaking, [Mana Reading] showed it's true ability in a one-on-one talk.

The leadership meeting could be called at any time, though it often started with the sending out of Ambassadors to collect messengers. Occasionally, Mages from the Northern Guilds and royalty from the Northern Countries would join as well.

He settled in as now other matters were brought up, general laws and state issues of no great secret. They were either declined or accepted as matters to be discussed in the second meeting through a vote between the presiding heads. Which in this case wasn't the current head of clan, but the Founding Heads who always had top priority in these meetings through their laws.

A few boring hours later, where the Tiger King's son left of his own volition far earlier, Rainer followed Elelaria as the the hall cleared in turns. He was stopped from speaking to anyone leaving by Ele, as it was seen as a rudeness not even the Dwarves would perform. Waiting for him outside the building was Melony, the ambassador they had traveled with but never met.

"Greetings, Archon Nvos. I apologize for not being able to meet you earlier despite our travel arrangements. I was feeling quite unwell. I would be happy to provide a tour of our compound while your guest mansion is fully prepared," the green-snake bodied and black-haired Melony spoke. Two yellow serpentine eyes met his own.

Her feeling unwell was a complete lie, Rainer noticed immediately. But there were too many possibilities from both Ele and now Melony as to what that lie meant, so he only made a note of it for now.

He glanced briefly at Ele, but just as during the meeting it seemed they didn't intend to have him as their official guest. Wondering if it was related to earlier as some strange form of apology or perhaps even a slight, Rainer found himself a bit annoyed. He would have to deal with a completely foreign race with no knowledge of any sort.

"Then as planned I shall join you, Archon Nvos. We still have a final Enchantment to finish up before it can be properly presented," Ele explained to the confused Melony.

"Of course. Explain the direction we are to take then, Ambassador Melony. I see no reason one such as yourself should be made to walk," Rainer said.

"That would be most enjoyable," Melony responded, understanding his intention and then explaining the general location of their destination.

Rainer briefly thought over whether saying 'walk' to a Lamia was appropriate, but thankfully she seemed unbothered. The trio disappeared in a Void-walk moments later.

The stone city seemed to almost meld into a small, but tall thicket of trees as they reached the Lamia's compound in just moments.

The guards only shook slightly at their sudden arrival. They stood outside a similar stone wall and gate to the rest of the city, though what lay behind them did not match that. The tall houses and buildings seemed almost grown from the trees they lay on. Rainer found himself very much interested in his eventual dwelling. He'd have to discuss Gunthar's presence, not that anyone would necessarily know he was undead, and perhaps soon Kara's and the rest soon after.

Given that she had said Mansion, he had little doubt him having his own guests would be of any issue. Gunthar currently hunted in the mountains. On top of his recently gained Full Soul making him nigh impossible to kill without some form of Spatial restriction, he was connected to Rainer as usual. It would take only a moment to reach him.

"Messengers were sent immediately after Founding Head Mala's offer, so we should already be expected. Though perhaps not before everyone else of note," Melony added with a bit of a laugh.

"Where to?"

"I think my home may be best experienced through walking?"

"Then let's take our time," Rainer ignored the way she smiled while saying walking. So it may have been inappropriate after all. Good thing she had a sense of humor.

Given that it was already quite late after the meeting, Melony left after a short walk to Rainer's temporary 'mansion'. After what was clear attempts at getting him into her bed that is.

"Is she always so… forward?" Rainer asked Ele.

"The Lamia clan only birth females, so they are encouraged to find suitable and powerful mates whenever they can. Given the lack of people comfortable with their kind, the opposite is often prized," Ele explained, giving a bit of a knowing look.

"My homeland is mostly human," Rainer added still leaving room in case he ever borrowed the Void Lords as a show of force, "I have been met with quite the variety here. Also, she does understand I am a Human Mage?"

"They have plenty of fertility potions for such an issue," Ele corrected, "But yes, Rainer, she wasn't expecting an actual child from you, even if she would be trying for it."

Rainer chuckled. The annoyed way she said it, he guessed that she thought he was fishing for that compliment.

They both headed up the spiral wooden ramp to the guest 'mansion'. Just like the ramp itself, the guest mansion swirled around the tree with its variety of buildings. This whole tree and it's dozen or so different floors and levels belonged to Rainer for the duration of his stay. Though he guessed by the hints given, that he was encouraged to stay longer, if not permanently.

He had been wondering if that offer was relating to his enchantments, but he got the feeling that wasn't the case. So what did they want?

They entered through a cloth soon after, Rainer questioning the distinct lack of a door. He shrugged, doors were pretty pointless at their level of power. Even though he doubted that was the reason for the lack of one.

Entering the first room, he was visibly surprised the way various branches and parts of the tree were incorporated into the room itself. With an entire table and chairs seemingly grown from the tree. Parts of the house itself were less added on wood and more just an extension of the tree creating a strange mix of the two.

"Here is as good as place as any. I shall give you the basics for dealing with their clan. We might as well speak of the Dwarves while we have this chance."

Rainer nodded, following along as she sat on a tree-grown couch, its bottom though thankfully cushioned normally. High Constitution or not, he still appreciated comfortable seating.

Elelaria started speaking soon after, making best use of their time it seemed. Listening as she spoke, and knowing he could just memorize the conversation after the fact with [Sleep Learning], like he planned for the whole leadership conference, he let his mind drift during her lecture.

Though not drift too far. He couldn't understand what her 'game' was. She might have stonewalled a meeting between him and Melony, even if that wasn't entirely clear. He thought perhaps like Saya, the Lamia ambassador hated mages but that couldn't be further from the truth. There was little reason Melony would have refused to meet with him.

And yet right after they had given him up essentially and let him become a guest of the Lamia. It could have been related to the meeting he had with Kellaria, but from the way she acted it seemed as if this was the plan all along.

What did she want?

"Rainer?" Elelaria asked confused.


"I understand this may not be the most interesting of subjects, but can you at least pay a bit of attention?"

"I have a magic that lets me memorize it after."

"While that still is not a good enough excuse for zoning out while speaking with someone as lovely as me, I'll allow it if you answer me a question."


"What is an Archon?"

Rainer raised an eyebrow. Hadn't he already told everyone?

"I'm an [Archon]."

"Yes, Rainer, that I understand, or do you believe me to be that sluggish of mind?"

"I abstain from answering."

Ele laughed 'menacingly' before clarifying, "Is Archon your race, your class, your title, or something else entirely?"

"Class," He answered simply and shared the Class name and level with Ele. He left out the description. After all, his ability to learn any skill easily would put a hole in his background. As of now, his Body Enchanting spoke of a great society capable of such a thing. He saw no reason to ruin that image even if it would raise himself in strength.

"How interesting…" She was less surprised than anyone else was during his declaration. Rainer guessed it was because she had already seen what he was capable of. "People and historians have long argued the race of the Archons who lifted the world up from the grasp of monsters, and many believed Archon to be a race itself. But [Archon] is a class…Is this information to be a secret?"

That last question made Rainer pretty happy. An indirect way of saying she'd be willing to keep secrets, "No. I expected sooner or later to have to prove my claim. Rather, it's to my complete benefit to be called out on it."

"That it would be. Well then, I shall continue. Please at least try to look like you're paying attention," she said wryly.

"No promises."

"Why on Vamir your homeland thought giving you any authority to negotiate was a good idea is beyond me."

"Power is a hard thing to say no to. And if my tactics are so bad, why don't you just do it for me?" Rainer joked, but the way her face froze he realized he may have just found out what her angle was.

"It seems I have little choice to explain more than just the Dwarves and Lamia tonight," Ele said.

"I'm listening."