Particular stone

Incompetent people always liked to bully the weak, so this group of mining collectors all crossed their arms and looked at Mo Yang and Ciro as if looking for an interesting play. The surrounding mining collector all looked at Mo Yang with a face full of smiles as they shook their heads. This group of mining collectors was one of the main descendants of the O'ryanpin Family within the Blaze City and the likes of Ciro were of low class among the branch family. Blaze City has three top-tier clan/families. O'ryanpin, Lin and Yun. Each of them has a unique cultivation system. They rule and balance the economic growth of the Blaze city. Each of them had one Mortal Stage 10 cultivator which is the patriarch of the family. Aside from these top-tier families, there is also the Yun Family which governs the Blaze city.

Ciro raised his head and saw the ridicule in Mo Yang's eyes. Clenching his fists tightly, he grabbed onto his bag full of iron ore and said: "Brother Chen, I'm taking this iron ore mine... Goodbye."

"Wooshh!" Without even turning his head, Mo Yang directly flung his hands behind him, causing Ciro's body to instantly fly backward.

Thankfully Ciro trains his martial arts and tempers his body using the method he knows in his past life if not then he can only blame himself.

Mo Yang's body was enveloped in a cold yellow aura, it was obvious from the color of his aptitude yellow, the light penetrated his body, the power of one punch had the strength of three hundred kilograms! He was a Mortal Stage 3 cultivator! If that punch was added by his spiritual beast then Ciro's life will be over.

Ciro subconsciously took a step back and looked at Mo Yang.

The expression on Mo Yang's face was sinister, he smashed out his fist, directly shattering Ciro's bag that contains iron ores!

"If you don't want to give your iron ore to me, then don't even think about getting a single silver!" Mo Yang's deep-set eyes were filled with malevolence. Although he was not considered high in status amongst the strongest people in the main family, when facing this group of branch families, he sure can pressure them. Looking at the other people's sorrowful eyes, Mo Yang felt that it was extremely wonderful.

Seeing Mo Yang's fist shatter his bag, and the twenty iron ore scattered onto the ground in a flash, Ciro immediately clenched his fist, raised his head and looked at Mo Yang while gritting his teeth together.

Looking at Ciro's hateful eyes Mo Yang smile wonderfully: "What?" Mo Yang questioned Ciro's gaze towards him.

But after staring for three seconds, Ciro still loosened his fist, squatted on the ground, and carefully picked up the iron ores that were scattered on the ground.

As Ciro picked up the iron ores, he felt everyone behind him looking at him. Some of their gazes were scornful, some were disdainful, and some were filled with epicaricacy.

Ciro's body was trembling. He hated it, he hated himself for not having the strength!

Strength! Ciro longed for great strength! So much so that he wouldn't be humiliated!

Ciro punches silently the ground as he clenched his two hands while trembling.

"Crack." Mo Yang took a step forward, and with a fling of his feet the iron ore in front of Ciro, flew to the side.

"Hahaha Ciro, you look like a beggar." Mo Yang wantonly mocked. The surrounding people also roared with laughter.

"And you still want to show your angry face at me? Do you think I didn't notice?" Chen Lin suddenly kicked out!

Ciro's body was lifted into the air and flew for a long while before crashing into the ground. He rolled and left a long scratch on the ground.

Ciro felt a sharp pain in his chest, and immediately spat out a mouthful of blood. Just as he was about to stand up, he saw Mo Yang walking over.

While looking at Ciro's circumstances, a person from the branch family couldn't help but step forward: "Senior Brother Chen, don't go too far."

Mo Yang stop as he looks at the person who spoke.

The person who spoke was a skinny guy with a pitiful face as if he could die at any minute. He had messy brown hair, black eyes, freckles, and braces. He was 5'6" tall and weighed 105 pounds.

"Oh? Someone wants to join the fun ehh?" Mo Yang said grabbing the boy over.

"Tsk... That kid was over" someone said while looking at the boy who Mo Yang dragged while shaking their heads.

Mo Yang slowly squatted down, looked at the bloody faced Yang Xie while holding the boy, and instantly sneered: "Hey Ciro am I going to far? No right? Look, this pitiful skinny boy said that I'm going too far, can I beat him up? I can still kick if you want me to, of course, I'll hit if I want to because you are weak!"

Mo Yang started to beat the boy who defended Ciro. Seeing this Ciro was in a rage but couldn't do anything because his body didn't even listen to him.

"S-stop it!" Ciro shouted.

Chen Lin had an arrogant smile on his face as he looked around and his vision caught one particular stone among the iron ore. He casually picked up the piece as he let go of the boy uncertain if he still had a life left.

"Since you begged for me then I'll give you this piece as a gift. Look how kind I am." Seeing Ciro's appearance, he directly crumbled the stone into tiny pieces into Ciro's mouth, then left with a smile. He did not even glance at Ciro once, because he did not care about Ciro at all or the boy he beat up…

Ciro laid on the ground, his body trembling uncontrollably while coughing.

He only wanted to live a good life, but he had to suffer humiliation a hundred times over.

Ciro wanted to vomit out, but after thinking for a while, he couldn't do anything as the powdered stone reached his stomach already.

Ciro wanted to remember the humiliation he had suffered today.

Mo Yang! I will have my revenge on you someday!

Yang Xie wanted to become stronger! He wanted strength! He wanted to not be humiliated! He wanted to live a good life!

He wanted to live like a human, not like a beggar.

Thinking all of this his focus directly change to the boy who was beaten up: "Foolish kid!"

He gathered all of his energy as he walks towards the boy. He needed to check the pulse. The easiest place to find a pulse to measure is the radial artery found on the inside of the wrist closest to the thumb. Alternatively, you can find the pulse on the inside of the elbow (brachial artery), behind the knee (popliteal artery) or neck (carotid artery).

Ciro uses his first and second fingertips to press firmly but gently on the wrist to feel.

After seconds have passed Ciro couldn't still feel the pulse. He frowned while thing 'A cardiac arrest they say when its pumping action disrupted, and the heart cannot pump blood to the brain, lungs and other organs. It could cause cardiac arrest'

"CPR!" Ciro opens the airway. While he tilts the head back slightly to lift the chin. He then checks for breathing. Listening carefully, for no more than 10 seconds, for sounds of breathing. But Ciro could feel that the boy has no breath at all so he began operating CPR.

The people who pass Ciro could only look at the side after seeing Ciro kiss the boy. Every people passes by doing the exact thing thinking 'What the f*ck!'.

Even the girls blush as they saw this scene but Ciro couldn't care less as his mind focuses on rescuing the boy.