
The Giant Boar roared angrily and chased after the three of them. A slap directly landed on the ground, causing the entire ground to shake. Mo Yang instantly fell back, allowing the berserk boar to slap him away as his body slammed into a tree branch like a cannonball. Mo Yang immediately spat out a mouthful of blood, and his body dropped onto the ground.

The other two also didn't manage to escape successfully and were sent flying by the giant boar.

The giant boar let out a roar and wanted to bite the other youth with long hair, but the aura from its body slowly dimmed. The imposing aura on the giant boar's body also gradually weakened, and even the hair on its body lost in color, as its eyes became dull. In the end, its body swayed, and directly fell onto the ground with a loud thud. Ciro looked at Mo Yang who was lying on the ground and finally gathered his courage to go down. Ciro immediately walked towards the crowd. 

Ciro squinted his eyes and walked towards the giant boar. When Mo Yang saw Ciro approaching, he instantly recognized him and continued to speak in a fierce and overbearing manner: "Ciro! It's you! Cough... Cough!" 

Ciro frowned, he did not bother with Mo Yang and walked towards the giant boar. However, Mo Yang still did not give up. "You dare to steal my things? Do you want to die?"

Ciro stopped in his tracks and looked at Mo Yang with bloodshot eyes as if it triggered something even his turned somewhat fiery red while his heartbeat beat faster. This Mo Yang was severely injured, yet he still talks big… 

"What?! I say, go take care of the beast and give it to me."

Mo Yang continued to bellow. Ciro was furious. With a stride, he arrived in front of Mo Yang. With an instinct, he aimed for Mo Yang's neck. Mo Yang used what remained of his strength to move back, but unexpectedly, Ciro unconsciously bite his neck! Which shocked him. 

"Ahh!! You dare bit me! Get off me!" Mo Yang shouted but could no longer move due to blood loss.

"Wait! Don't kill me I'll give you anything!" Mo Yang said as he felt his life was about to extinguish.

Ciro was in a trance state so he didn't even know what was going on while his body seems like it moves on its own. Once again the tranced Ciro smashed his foot against Mo Yang's face! Mo Yang's body felt like it was struck by a cannonball, and was immediately flung out, Mo Yang's body was like a butchered beast with no life left in him.

Ciro then walked to the side of the giant boar. The huge boar was already out of breath, and fresh blood was gushing out of its body. Ciro nodded towards the huge boar in satisfaction, before finally smashing apart the huge boar's chest with a punch, and taking out the Spirit Demon Core and suck its blood away from its body.

Having just killed Mo Yang and the huge boar, Ciro instantly felt an unspeakable force flow out from the blood he devours, flowing through its stomach and entering all parts of Ciro's body. 

Soon after, Ciro felt a loud bang from his body! His energy cube began to heat up and the sound of raging ocean form by s tsunami and a loud 'bang!' could be heard from his body. 

Ciro's eyes instantly trembled and looked at the distance in shock. Swallowing his saliva, he let out a huge sigh of relief.

Mortal Stage 3 cultivator! 

Ciro looked at himself in shock. He did not expect that he would actually be able to enter into the cultivator's path so quickly! The Mortal Stage realm had a total of ten stages, which was to temper one's body to perfection to contend with the power of life energy.

With a wave of his fist, Yang Xie instantly felt that his aura around his body was different from what he had known his aura was black. As he waved his fist, streaks of dark light exploded out of Ciro's body.

Ciro looked at himself fearing that this might have to do with the strange creature he had seen, and because of that in an instant, he entered the third level of Mortal Stage! Turning his head, he suppressed the thought of killing Mo Yang's companion but after thinking carefully he made the decision to also kill them in order to not let any trouble come on his way while robbing their things.

Ciro was aware of the circumstances underlying his lack of progress in curing his energy cube, five years with empty life energy was essentially a death sentence for his career of being a cultivator. These few years, in particular, were the critical point of training years as the body was on the verge of maturity. Once the body matured completely, any training undertaken would be much less effective.

Ciro returned to his bedroom. Although it was old and shabby, he always likes to clean it tidy. He also makes sure that everything's okay with the boy after checking on him.

"I may be five years behind, but I will work five times, even ten times, harder."

Ciro knew that only if he trained harder than the others would he have the chance to catch up to those so-called talented prodigies.

Ciro sat on the corner of his bed, eyes shut, and started to manipulate the flow of energy within his energy cube, absorbing the life energy of heaven and Earth in his surroundings.

The training involved a critical process where an individual would utilize their Energy cube to absorb the surrounding life energy of Heaven and Earth. They would then convert life energy into their own as the source of power and store it in their energy cube.

But what puzzle Ciro more is the blood that was floating at the center of his energy cube. It emitted a dark vicious aura that covered his energy cube. Cire now knows that the blood was the one who was behind all of this. The blood was also the one who cured his energy cube.

But what Ciro fear the most is the lack of control of his usual self his mood was affected by the aura of the blood.

"I need to control my anger..." Ciro thought seriously. He needed to control it if not then it would be his biggest problem in the future.

After thinking about it his attention directly change as he looks at the blood at the center of the energy cube.

"This weird blood... What kind of bloodline is this? Such an evil aura... Could it be from the demon realm? Tsk... So what... I should take a nap now as I have so much work to do tomorrow."