Water flows in only to flow out.

Bang! Bang!

Although Achilles was shocked and confused, the strange spell from the opponent seemed to have no effect. This made his mind relaxed and then sped up his pace attacking Ciro from all sides. Suddenly Achilles discovered that Ciro seems to be a lot different from compare earlier. His entire body was emitting an intimidating dark aura.

Achilles didn't dare to be careless. He probed with a punch; Ciro dodged sideways. Then, Achilles shook his fist, then he extended his claws and scratched across Ciro's chest; the blood splashed all over. Ciro was fearless. He turned around and swept his leg, hitting Achilles's knees followed by a hand which grabbed his head knocking him to the ground.


A loud booming sound was heard in the entire area causing a large quantity of dust flew away.

Achilles could only feel that his body's center of gravity immediately turned into a head-down; he knew that it would be bad. Before he could protect his head, he had already been wrestled to the ground by Ciro. The slate on the ground was actually cracked.

Achilles only felt a sharp pain in his head and neck. Fortunately, the physique of a cultivator was strong; he staggered and stood up again. Ciro immediately followed like a shadow and launched a swift counterattack. His hands, legs and even head became deadly weapons.

The audience expected Achilles to win this match easily, but they didn't expect such a sudden reversal, and they kept cheering for Achilles desperately. The happiest were those who originally bet on No. 89 they cheered happily to the sudden reversal.

Hearing the happy cheer of the audience for No. 89 Achilles angered. He yelled and hit the wound at Ciro's ribs while enduring the pain. He managed to distant himself.

Achilles's previous winning streak was firstly relied on his outstanding strength among the peak of Mortal Stage 3 and his powerful body. Secondly, it was his usage of brutal means to intimidate opponents. Yet, now, No. 89 wasn't even slightly affected. No. 89's intimidating aura overpowered him instead. Although Ciro's wound was severed and painful, his brain was extremely calm. His remaining life enefy was slowly circulating and adjusted his body to the perfect offensive and defensive state. His eyes were glowing with faint red like a beast staring at its struggling prey.

That look made the Achilles inexplicably felt a chill down his spine.

Even Grand who was at the VIP area could feel the murderous aura around Ciro.

"Interesting!" Gard suddenly said.

With a glance, Gard noticed that Achilles's mind had been taken over by his opponent's murderous aura. Even if Achilles's strength was further enhanced, he could hardly win.

Gard's trusted confidant, Keilf was observant. He asked correspondingly, "Sir, are talking about the newbie?"

The Great Demon looked at Chen Rui and said faintly, "Mmm... I misjudged. It seems like I was totally wrong from the start."

Keilf asked curiously, "But, they are evenly-matched in the current situation. Besides, Achilles's spiritual beast isn't used yet. Will there be any changes?"

Gard sneered and didn't answer. Keilf was tactful to not ask more and continued watching the battle.

'F*ck this guy should be an inexperienced novice who will easily leave an opening. However, as the battle continues, his skills become more proficient and perfect while the flaws are also gradually disappearing. The occasional openings are actually traps. His ability to learn and adapt is simply frightening!'

What was even more frightening was that the opponent who was supposed to be seriously injured and had his combat power greatly reduced, had a surprisingly strong endurance. His physical strength and offensive and defensive capabilities didn't even affected. Instead, it was Achilles himself that started to be overdone under the influence of his injuries and psychological state.

"Haaa!" Achilles knew that if this continued he would definitely be defeated. So, he yelled in determination; his muscles suddenly swollen to twice its size, and his strength increased drastically. A dark shadow constantly formed behind him revealing a monstrous creature.

It resembles something of a cobra, with fangs that secrete paralysis venom into its enemies. Covered in black scales, with hints of red beneith its 'hood'.

"It's Achilles spiritual beast! A green rank spiritual beast!"

"It's a mutated spiritual beast!"

"Achilles quickly kill him!"

The audience who supported Achilles saw the hope of a comeback and cheered.

Ciro immediately felt the pressure, but he wasn't like before. Achilles's release of power from his spiritual beast wasn't for long. Otherwise, he would have used it earlier. Ciro immediately changed his tactic he controlled his rhythm and slowly depleted the opponent's strength.

Under a highly concentrated state, some of the shortcomings that were difficult to correct during the special training were actively corrected one by one. His judgment and timing were increasingly accurate; his control of the life energy was getting increasingly mature.

He was just like a blunt knife, after sharpening by the opponent, the whetstone, its cutting edge gradually sharpened.

Achilles who released his spiritual beast seemed to be imposing, but his heart was terrified. His attacks were dodged or interrupted by No. 64; whereas the opponent's counterattack could always hit accurately at the difficult spots that were hardest to defend. Achilles felt kind of helpless. The opponent accurately counterattack is every move he made it seems like he can predict his following attack from the very start.

Achilles was depressed although his power was doubled it did not achieve the expected result at all. To him his opponent was obviously seemed to be disadvantage, but his rhythm was flawless and constantly improving to match his explosive blow.

"Ahhhh!" Achilles seems to be broken his momentum was drastically decreases even his explosive aura slowly vanished at the same time his spiritual beast slowly losing it's demure.

Ciro watch his opponent's attacks he constantly parried it while looking at him with pity. Achilles on the other hand angered to the point he lost his mind his attacks was full of weakpoints it was riggid and chaos and even his will to fight was lost. When he look at Ciro's pity look made him crazy.

"Die! Die! Die!" Achilles crazily shouted.

"Sorry your the one who was going to die. Rest in peace."


With a quick movement Ciro slashed his blade horizontally right at his opponent's neck.
