Emperial Clover

Within the mountain range were two pitch-black, impossibly high walls. The color was a result of the dark aura which causes the fog that was so thick that it was impenetrable even by sunlight, giving the whole place an eerie environment.

"We're getting close stay alert!"

"Wait... Stop!"

Qin Xian broke out in cold sweat when he senses a powerful aura up ahead, and the team quickly hid behind a small hill.

"There's a demonic beast!"

This beast was enormous and dark-brown all over, resembling a large rhinoceros, except this beast had a sharp long tusk and a long sharp horn on his forehead and full of thick scales all over the body.

It was an Earth Demonic Rhinoceros.

Earth Demonic Rhinoceros were generally of Mortal Stage Ninth Realm, and this particular rhinoceros was devouring a dead beast, its snout grisly with blood and meat scraps.

"Be careful! Its sharp horn is deadly and the tusk can kill you all in an instant with a slight carelessness. We're going to attack together... Remember stay alert. As ex0ected this place is full of danger even in its outer area a ninth realm beast had appeared already."

Qin Xian squinted his eyebrows while slowly took a step closer to the beast. Although he was also at the Mortal Stage Ninth realm, he couldn't dear to Fight head-on with this kind of monster.

With a leap, Qin Xian and the team emerged from hiding. The rhino stood up immediately, sensing the party's presence. It glared at them, and with a jolt of its head, a beam of brown qi was released from the rhino's horn and shot towards Qin Xian.

This was the so-called beast concentrated life energy. In simpler terms, its human equivalent would be martial techniques used by humans. Certain beasts were so powerful that they could even cast human martial techniques, and along with their relatively high intelligence, they were certainly formidable opponents.

Qin Xian dodged with a twist of his body several times, dodging the scorching beam and while others slashed their weapon from all sides. Qin Xian and Qin Yun brandished their sword while casting their martial skill aiming straight for the rhino's brain.

"Second move of the heaven serpent slash: Rising tide!"

"Moonlight Shadow Dance!"

Qin Xian and Qin Yun shouted at the same time.

The rhinoceros slapped a great paw towards the combination attack of Qin Xian And Qin Yun, a strong current rippled out from the trio's attack. The power of three burst free all at once, all charging towards the surroundings.

The team and the rhino took several steps back as they absorbed the shock. The rhino once again waved its paws in the air in disorientation, and with an angry roar, it waves it's paw to the ground, shaking, causing the ground to produce earth spikes.

"Qin Xian well distract the attention of the beast. Find an opportunity to finish the beast with one attack!"

"Right Qin Xian we have no time to spare!"

Many of Qin Xian's teammates were injured due to the earth spikes. It was an unexpected attack. When the rhino's attention focus on them one of Qin Xian's team member dived under the rhino's abdomen while grabbing a golden rope in his spatial bag and attach it at the rhino's hooves.

"Ahhh! F*ck this beast! Qin Xian attack now! These ropes can't hold on!"

Qin hearing his teammate's shouts stood firmly on the ground, sword in hand, and used one of the sword's strongest move, Surging Slash: Breath of the water dragon.


He, along with his sword, started to form a single slash at an incredible speed, forming an arc with the illusion of a blue dragon at the back and slice the rhino into two!

Qin Xian turned back and saw the attack he'd made. With one last look at Qin Xian, the rhino fell onto the ground helplessly with a loud thud. Although the rhino's flesh was very tough, it could not withstand the scorch's attack.

Although Qin Xian used his strongest attack and sliced the rhino, his life energy was overuse. Only a small bit of life energy was left within his energy cube.

Qin Xian breathed heavily while being carried by his teammates. Qin Yun poked around the brains of the Horned Bear and retrieved a small amber-colored stone. This bear was an earth-type monster, naturally, its core was also of earth-type.

"What a strong attack if I finally have my weapon next time I'll try to learn that technique."

Ciro was looking at the team a few meters away from them. Due to the lack of martial techniques, Ciro wanted to learn and find a way to apply the martial technique he saw while revising the technique to make it suitable for him to use.

It was hard to revise something especially when you are only looking at the skill being cast. Much harder than when you want to learn a fist technique and leg techniques. Revising a martial skill means you need to observe how the skill works. How the life energy being dragged to a specific location or where it passes through specific meridians.

So Ciro was really focused on watching the technique being cast and replay it over and over again in his mind.

The next stop was a valley covered with tall trees and in the middle of the valley was a small lake with pitch-black water. What was unique was that at the side of the lake was covered with flowers to be specific a clover. The clover had three leaves on each stem and that usually has round flowers that are white, red, or violet.

But what Ciro was seeing right now was different from what he knows.

"You need to get used to this Ciro... This is a fantasy world. Expect the unexpected. Luckily a mortal stage cultivator doesn't have the skill to sense other cultivators from afar and fortunately, they are not at the Spiritual qi condensation stage and even if they are really at the Spiritual qi condensation stage the spiritual sensory skill they have are limited or else it would be to overpowered." Ciro murmured while looking at the clover. One example is that the two girls at the back of Qin Xian, Qin Yun and the other guy.

A clover that has five leaves and a multicolored located in the middle of the lake. It seems to be lonely while the other clovers at the side of the lake was also a clover but a bit different their leaves were not multicolored it has a color of a blood-red, dark violet, black, and white.

"Hahaha! This is it! Luckily I found this place early and it seems like there's no one find this place yet. It would be a problem if other cultivators knew this place. It would be a catastrophe."

"Your right Qin Xian... But this... This is the rumored imperial clover right?" Ye Mo said and couldn't contain his happy emotion. He's one of Qin Xuan and Qin Yun's teammates.

"You right Ye Mo." Qin Xuan said patting Ye Mo's left shoulder, "This is the imperial clover. Rumor has it that it could increase your elemental affinity! The white clover can increase your affinity by two folds, red by four-folds, dark-violet by eight folds, and dark which is rarest can increase by sixteen folds!"

"Then... What about... That one in the middle of the lake? It's so beautiful!"

"Yeah, I've been eyeing that clover for a long time now. Qin Xian that clover... How many folds can it increase our affinity?" The remaining teammates finally spoke to Qin Xian. They're Gwen and Miranda.

The first one to speak was Gwen. She had a beautiful facial feature around the age of a mature teenage girl. She had an oval shape face with a black long hair coupled with her fiery red eyes that shows her fierce looks. A big contrast to her personality. She has a nice looking light tan skin with a beautiful curve. Because of her skin tight suit, it expresses her beautiful built.

Miranda on the side was a mature woman around the age of twenty-two with bountiful breast and perfect looking curves. She had a milky white skin with a blonde silky hair and a cute circle face coupled with her deep blue eyes. She also wears a sleeveless qipao with her visible cleavage.

Ciro predicted that these two beautiful girls are from a noble family. It would be too shocking if these girls are not. Ciro in the O'ryanpin family sometimes observes the noble girls and boys in the family as well as the other clans who sometimes visited the O'ryanpin's and the girls and boys outside the clan.

There is a big difference between the two since the beginning so Ciro was, of course, puzzled as to why these two girls joined these three cultivators.

Noble girls are pampered and rarely go out to experience the outside world. This is what Ciro had observed within the clans so Ciro had this kind of thought.

But what shocked him the most was the clover called imperial clover.

"Increase affinity? This... Unfortunately, I don't have any specific affinity of any elements because I don't have an energy cube from the beginning. Even though I have a new energy cube now, this energy cube was elementless." Ciro said in a troubled manner.

"This... I also don't know... I never heard of a multicolored clover before." Qin Xian troubled answering while avoiding his view to the side gulping. While looking at Miranda's cleavage unconsciously.