After falling prey to the sinister plot of his family, young William DeWitt spends his final hours in a dark dungeon. At the cusp of death, his soul is whisked away to the mysterious Etherium Empire where he is granted the opportunity to traverse different dimensions on behalf of the empire and gain new life.
Ahhhh! I’m really enjoying this! The characters are all so well rounded even after only knowing them for a while, i especially love the older brother!Ahhh the two are so cute! I really want the author to update tho! It killing me!
So far so good. Though the mc is clearly suffering from some weird form of infantilism ( after all he was already 15, and 15 year olds are all insuferable know it alls...), it doesn't seem too unrealistic... probably. Keep up the good work. Cheers.
Waiting for new chapters~ _(:3 」∠)_