Chapter 1 Angela

I wake-up in darkness. Silence surrounds me. One distinct sound rings through the darkness. Darla's, my twin sister, loud music. I look over at my digital clock. The bright light blue color read 4:30 am. I turn on my bedside table lamp, sitting up. Since I woke up now, I'll never get back to sleep. A click fills the room as bright yellow light fills my room. That nightmare I had last night was horrid. I'm surprised I didn't wake up screaming. It was something about me and Crystal and Darla and some guy who said a line. What was it? I don't know. I look around and notice a note on my coffee table next to the coffee machine I keep in here so Darla doesn't steal my french vanilla macchiato.

I stand up and get a cup of coffee brewing, looking at my phone and around my room. Everything is as it should be. My white walls with light blue trim and polka-dots. The glass table in between a couch and two chairs. The walk-in closet with my clothing put neatly away. I realize that I had left my school work all over the coffee table. I even had a grand piano in the corner.

As my coffee finishes brewing, I pick-up my school supplies and put on a news channel on my phone. I don't have a T.V. in here, but I have a cable and news app on my phone. The smell of french vanilla fills my senses. I go over and grab my coffee, grabbing the note as well.

'Dear Angela,

    Your father and I are going to be gone for the week. We put Darla in charge. Make sure you do good in school. Listen to Darla. Practice your piano. Your falling behind since we took that day vacation to the amusement park.

Don't disappoint me


    I put the note down and head to my phone. The weather was supposed to be nice today. That's good. I finish my coffee. My clock says its 5:00 am. I go into my closet and grab out my uniform. A white button-down with a plaid skirt. The color depended on what grade level you were. Blue was for freshmen, red was for sophomores, green was for juniors, and a metallic gold or silver color(Depending on gender, gold for girls, silver for boys) I was a senior, so mine was a metallic gold color. It even came with a tie. I grab my uniform and put a spare outfit in my bag for after school since I would be hanging with some friends after school. 

I grab a white turtle neck top with a pair of white jeans. I typically wear a pair of black flats(Per uniform) so I didn't have to worry about shoes. I grab my uniform and walk down the hall to the bathroom. I close the door behind me and turn on the water for the shower. The water hits the glass door like small drums playing a light beat. I take off my white victorian inspired nightgown and step into the water. Warmth falls over my body, wrapping me up in a feeling of safety and comfort. Any sleep that had lingered, was now gone. I focus on what was going to happen today as I lather my scalp in shampoo and conditioner. I had to make sure I made no mistakes today. I had a lot of tests, and I didn't want to fail. I also had to make sure to practice Mozarts Symphony number 7.

    As I'm humming the melody to the piece, Darla walks in.

"Hey Ang. Time to get out. You've been in here for half an hour." She says, not in her uniform yet. I get the message and turn off the water. A piercing cold feeling ran through my body. It felt like loneliness and solitude. I dry off and get on the uniform. It's gonna be a long day