Letter from the King

A week had gone by since Qian Lan had returned to the capital of Zhu. She had gotten used to living in the Duke's residence and taken up an apprenticeship in helping the head accountant manage the household funds. Qian Lan did everything she could to forget the water god and the heavenly world. After a days worth of looking at numbers; Qian Lan stretches out her thin arms and yawns.

"Mr. Chi I think I'm going to call it a day. I can't stare at these scrolls anymore."

"Very well, you were a great help Ms. Qian Lan. Take some rest today. I don't have anything for you to do tomorrow so you don't need to come by."


Qian Lan bids Mr. Chi farewell and heads back to her bed quarters. Just as she was about to enter her bedroom, Qian Lan sees the head maid Xing Wei and a young maid exiting her room.

"Head maid? Why were you ladies in my room?"

"Ah! There you are! What's with all these water puddles in your room?! We just spent the last hour cleaning them up!"

"Oh, those. I really don't know. Maybe there's a roof leakage or something? I've been waking up to water droplets on my face. My bed sides are always wet when I wake up in the morning so it'd be great if I can change my room."

The head maid stares at Qian Lan's childish smile and sighs.

"Sighs...alright. I'll have someone come take a look at this room. You can stay at the other room at the end of this corridor for now."

"Thank you! Hehe."

Qian Lan quickly heads into her old room and grabs whatever belongings she had and made a run for it to the other room. Quickly creaking the doors open, Qian Lan could see a well kept room with an unused bed and large brown table with chairs in the center. Placed under the table was a beautiful red rug with gold designs.

"Wow! What a pretty room. Much better than the one they threw me in."

Qian Lan unfolds her small baggage and stuffs her clothes in a wardrobe at the corner of the room.

"Hmmm.....maybe I'll go shopping tomorrow since I have the day off."

Just as Qian Lan finished putting her clothes away she hears a knock on her door."

"Knock Knock."

"Who is it?"

Qian Lan walks to her door and opens one side of the door and to her surprise it was the duke.

"Duke! It's you. How rare, what brings you here?"

"Hello Ms. Qian Lan, it's been a few days. I heard about your bedroom incident, I apologize for such an inconvenience."

"Oh! No worries. I rather like this new room."

"I'm glad to hear that."

"I doubt you came here just to tell me that Duke, what is it?"

"Ah, you know me well. Heh, I have a letter from his majesty for you."

"The king? What does he want? I thought I told you I don't want to see him."

"I'm aware of that Ms. Qian Lan, please don't make this hard on me."

The Duke places the letter in Qian Lan's right hand and heads back to his bedroom quarters. With a heavy sigh, Qian Lan walks to her table and seats herself as she reluctantly opens the letter.

Hello Ms. Qian Lan,

I've heard the news from Duke Xia Long and apologize for contacting you when I know you don't want to see me. I understand why and yet I want just a chance to speak to you face to face. Please, if you could just hear me out. I am holding a banquet in three days, I hope you can attend with Duke Xia Long. I look forward to see you.


Ah Meng

Qian Lan closes the letter and heads to her bed. Sitting at the edge of her bed, Qian Lan stares out into the rain.

"Ugh! All this thinking is just making my head hurt!"

Quickly laying on her back, Qian Lan pulls her bedsheets over her. Forcing her eyes shut, Qian Lan slowly dozes off. Duke Xia Long's residence was now quiet as everyone has already head off to bed, leaving only the gate guards. All of a sudden Qian Lan is awaken by water droplets hitting her face. Slowly opening her eyes, Qian Lan couldn't believe who she saw standing less than a foot away from her. Whispering under her breathe, Qian Lan sits up and looks at the familiar figure in front of her.

".....I knew it..."