Many wonderful and terrifying events would come to happen in his future, but if there was one thing Ron never hoped to do again, it was being birthed. He remembered floating through the black hole and then being sucked into a small body, only to then be pushed out of a woman. It was uncomfortable, unsettling, and downright weird to him. The overall worst part was the lack of control he had over his body. He couldn't stop shaking and flailing. When he tried to move his arm, he would swing and nearly dislocate his shoulder. If he tried to talk, the only thing that came out was hoarse noises.
There was an initial amount of confusion that he felt. The first was the situation he was in. He didn't entirely know what reincarnation meant, but he just presumed that he would have his body back from the start. Second, he had no idea where he was. It looked almost like a log cabin. The walls were made of logs and stone, there was a fireplace, and the bed seemed to be covered in animal fur.
Also adding on was the group of people staring at him. There were only two women in the room with him. The one holding him was an older, hefty woman with tan skin and dark eyes. She seemed to look at him lovingly with tender eyes. Her white hair was curly yet smooth. He didn't know what the feeling was that he got when she looked at him, but it felt very maternal and loving. A feeling that he never felt in his previous life. He was being held against her bosom and it was probably the most comfortable feeling he had ever felt. Such an odd sensation, the most uncomfortable feeling followed by the most comfortable feeling.
The other woman in the room was lying on the bed, but the way she looked at him was odd. Her black hair and pearly white skin made for a very contrasting look. The miraculous part though was she didn't seem to be out of breath at all. She just stared intently at him. Unlike the motherly woman holding him though, these eyes seemed to have a different intent. He couldn't quite place it. It almost seemed like she was hungry?
"Marissa…" She began to look at the older woman.
"Sorry, Mistress, I better not. Things could go beyond the point of return and the officials would be very mad."
"Hm, true. Oh well, at least I can't say I didn't try!" She began to stand up from the bed only to reveal that she was wearing a dress! Nothing ornate or fancy, but certainly not something a woman would wear during childbirth. The black dress almost seemed to glitter in the sunlight from the window but
Ron didn't have much time to examine the woman who was his mother before she began to leave the room. She stopped at the doorway and looked back at Ron. She opened her mouth to say something but then closed it, shook her head, and left the room.
This woman was supposed to be his mother! She just left the room like he was nothing more than a lost puppy. He was alone in his previous life, but at least he didn't get to see his parents before they ditched him. It seemed like he was doomed to repeat the same cycle in this life.
"Now, now child," the older woman began to speak. "You may not understand it now, but she left for your safety. Anyone who looks at her would think her a cold, devilish bitch. But I know better. I raised her and I know that she has the most love in her tiny finger than most have in this world. She can't help who she is though." Her voice was thick and humble. It was emotional yet full of love.
Ron's mind was racing with questions, but he had neither the ability nor the energy to attempt to ask questions. All he felt was tired. After being cleaned up, he was swaddled and rocked to sleep. Unlike the death, this darkness was just fine.
Over the course of a few months, Ron learned a few things about where he was and who the lady was. First, her name was Marissa and she was his wetnurse. The idea of being breastfeed was only odd at first. What was miraculous was that the milk she gave tasted and felt extraordinary! He could almost feel himself growing after he fed. It was like the milk was full of steroids and growth hormones!
A few days after his birth, he was taken outside and was given his first sunlight. That would be the first shock of many. The sun back on earth was yellow, while this one was red! It seemed to be smaller than his sun when he tried to look directly at it, but the light was actually a bit more intense. The heat however didn't seem to ever burn him. Marissa left him in only his cloth diaper as she took him outside. Some days they would spend hours just sunbathing, but Ron never burned. He found that the light he got from the sun seemed to give him more energy. He felt refreshed and revitalized.
They seemed to be in the middle of a forest clearing, but the trees were black, not brown. The leaves that grew were yellow instead of green and they were ridiculously tall. While he couldn't really tell how tall, they were definitely double or triple the size of regular oak trees.
There didn't seem to be any forest life wandering around either. He tried to look for birds, critters, and bugs but found nothing. It only took him about 2 months to learn how to crawl. He considered this cheating though as he already knew how to do it. He just needed to grasp how to use his muscles in the tiny body.
The reaction from Marissa was quite different than what he expected though. He thought she would freak out or gasp in amazement. Instead she merely grabbed a notebook and started writing down something. Once she finished writing she said, "Not as fast as him, but not bad either. Definitely top percentile."
This confused Ron and only brought about his competitive side. He wasn't sure who he was, but he definitely didn't like being compared to someone at the age of two months. He immediately started working on standing! Seeing the infant struggle to do more after her words, a thought came to Marissa's head. He couldn't possibly understand me, could he? He's only 2 months.
"Child, look at me." Ron didn't understand why she would call him but he immediately looked at her. He realized his mistake too late. She dropped her notebook in surprise and gasped. Instead of screaming in horror or running away though, she charged at him. Ron was sure he had been made and was expecting something bad to happen. Instead he was picked up and hugged.
"A genius! Just like your mother! And amazing physique! Just like your father! Oh the heavens truly have blessed you!" She began to squeal with laughter and joy. She even began spinning! This brought about a very unfortunate physical reaction from Ron, considering he had just eaten. He vomited onto her clothes and she nearly dropped him in the process. Nevertheless she never let go.
She placed him on his bottom and began to clean herself.
"Well, since you're such a bright young man, I guess it's time we leave this place. Oh I have so much to report. And I have so much to tell you! They always say the earlier the better, but I never imagined that we would be starting this early!"
Even though Marissa was excited about her own thing, Ron was still determined to walk. Once he knew how to stand and walk, he could start learning how to explore. The curious thing though was he didn't feel two months old. Besides the obvious mental age, he felt like he was on the cusp of walking. Physical movements were starting to become second nature in this body. Even he was surprised by the lack of effort he had to put into his body. It was at the age of 3 months did he fully start to walk around.
Over the course of a few weeks, Ron started to notice more curious things. One, Marissa almost never needed to change the fireplace. One day she went outside on her own, and after hearing a few thundering booms that nearly shook the house, she walked back with a few logs of wood. They definitely weren't cleanly cut and he was sure she didn't go outside with an axe or a saw. It almost looked like someone had hammered the pieces of wood out of the black tree.
Once she put them in the fireplace, it was only then that he realized that she had never done this before! Ron spent nearly every minute with Marissa and she had never before changed the wood out. That could only mean the wood would burn for months before it needed to be replaced!
The second thing he noticed was rain. There were hardly any clouds in the sky, but when there was Marissa almost seemed worried about it. The minute she saw them in the distance she would bring him inside and examine the roof and windows of the house. There was never any thunder or lightning, but he couldn't help but wonder what she was worried about. It was only rain! He doubted it could be anything dangerous.
That was until he saw her go out into it. She had left one of his blankets on the black oak chair outside and in a rush ran out there to grab it. When she came back inside, he noticed that parts of her clothes seemed to have burned off!
"One thing you must remember child, never go out into the rain until you have reached the Third stage. Only then will your body be able to withstand the rain."
He looked at her with confusion. Third Stage?
Almost as if on command, she began to talk. "There's still much you don't know yet, but don't worry. Once the rain passes, your teacher will be here to guide you. He's an old friend of your father's."
After she had said the word father, her voice began to falter a bit.
"Oh I wish I could tell you more, but I can't. Not yet. Your parents were very clear on your upbringing. Just know that if they were here right now to see your start, they would be very proud."
Ron really didn't know how to take the sudden influx of information. He wasn't even entirely sure why the rain was dangerous, but somehow, one day, he might be just fine.
The rain would continue for a few more days but surprisingly there was no signs of flooding. It was like the ground was eager to take in the water that was coming from the sky. The day after the rain had stopped, Ron and Marissa stood outside on the grass and there was no sign of moisture in the air or on the ground. And it was on this day that their first and only visitor arrived.
Before Ron stood a tall man, one who was at least 7 feet tall. He was rather skinny but deathly so. He wore a long green and black robe that nearly touched the ground. There were zigzag designs throughout the robe, all of which led to a circle on the back. In the middle of the circle were two letters. MC.
What shook Ron though wasn't the height of the man or even the fact that his long, pale face had a hint of green to it. It was his arms. They were bent the wrong way! In fact, he almost looked like a praying mantis!