Long-armed Devil Apes

In the forest, He Liangce turned to look at his companions. Instead of being impatient, he praised with a smile, "I see you're both fully equipped—that's great."

"Brother He, our pieces of equipment are at the peak of Fine Grade Rank Five." Ou Yangming laughed. He intended to show off when he spoke.

He was previously taken aback when he found out that He Liangce's cultivation base was at Yang Grade.

However, he was certain he surpassed and was far ahead of He Liangce in terms of smithing art.

He Liangce nodded and remarked, "Nice. If that's the case, you should have a certain ability to protect yourself in the forest."

Ou Yangming was stunned. There was nothing wrong with He Liangce's words, but it somehow sounded off to him.

"Let's go, we'll have to travel for a few days to arrive at the strange bamboo." He Liangce grinned at them and walked ahead.

Ou Yangming pouted his lips and gave Ni Yinghong an eye signal.