Humbles Himself

"Hehe, Lil' Friend, you're kidding me." Jin Shengjie curbed his thoughts and quickly flashed a bright smile. "Your suggestion earlier was very right. Please forgive us for not looking into the matter."

"Lil'-Lil' Friend?"

"I didn't hear him wrong, did I…"

Almost everyone in the square was in a daze at that instant. Although they had a hunch after they saw Jin Shengjie and the two other masters' reactions just now, they felt like they had just seen a ghost when they heard the words "Lil' Friend".

'Lil' Friend?'

'Based on Jin Shengjie's status as a Superior Blacksmith, he shouldn't humble himself no matter how absurd the case is, should he?'

In the capital, there were very few blacksmiths whom Jin Shengjie considered as friends. Now, he actually gave such deferential treatment to an unknown young fellow, so what would it make the other people?