Advanced Blacksmith

The crowd clamored again shortly after they quieted down. Although nobody dared to make negative remarks in front of Master Jin Shengjie, deep down everyone was agitated because they had a hunch that Ou Yangming seemed to have done something amazing again.

Before long, a grim middle-aged man made his way down from the high platform.

Qu Jingming was an Intermediate Blacksmith, but he also had another identity—an Intermediate Appraiser.

Whether it was a blacksmith or an appraiser, they were professions that were desired and envied. Given that he held two positions, though he only had the Intermediate title for both roles, his status was not inferior to an Advanced Blacksmith like Yi Yucheng.

Needless to say, Qu Jingming was still respectful toward Jin Shengjie, and he did not dare to be impolite at all.