Fine Grade King

When the carriage stopped, the doorkeeper opened the small side door indifferently and looked arrogantly at the luxurious convoy as though he was looking at lambs that were about to be slaughtered.

Nonetheless, when the doorkeeper was handed an invitation card, there was a 180-degree change in his attitude.

This was because two names were written on the card.

Jin Shengjie and Ou Yangming.

Ou Yangming had just made a hit during the Blacksmith Assessment yesterday. Although he only earned the Advanced title, he was deeply respected by many blacksmiths, and people began to talk about him on equal terms with the Fine Grade King.

Yuan Lexin had instructed the doorkeeper to welcome Ou Yangming with great formality if he visited.

The doorkeeper could certainly not offend a figure like Ou Yangming.

Furthermore, the name beside Ou Yangmingʼs was even more striking.

Jin Shengjie.