The Zhang Family Apologizes

"Master Ou, you're amazing!" Du Gaoge gave Ou Yangming a thumbs up after the people from the Zhang family were gone. He was not afraid to express how envious he was. "The Zhang family is a renowned clan in the capital. They're one of the top ten clans and are considered a tyrant in the capital, but when they met you earlier, they were as timid as a rat facing a cat!"

Ou Yangming lamented when he looked at the gifts by the door.

Back when he first acquired the Military Fire in the military camp, he was fearful of even an insignificant figure like Zhang Yinfan, whom he treated like a towering mountain, and was always afraid of being harmed by him.

When the young fellow recalled the past, he realized that those people were only passersby in his life, or merely stepping stones for his growth.

Now, not to mention Zhang Yinfan, even the Zhang family's great-ancestor-level powerhouse had to bow down and fawn over Ou Yangming.