The Appearance Of A Dragon And A Phoenix

"Master Ou, I know you want to go beyond this world and enter the upper realm. Perhaps the Wu family is using this condition to attract you but there isn't only one way to achieve that," Ni Jingshen noted seriously.

Ou Yangming was moved. "Elder Ni, you contacted…?" He pointed above his head.

Ni Jingshen smiled and answered, "Lil' Friend Ou, ever since you found our clan's secret realm, we've been calling out to our members of the same clan in the upper realm."

Judging from the smile on Ni Jingshen's face, Ou Yangming instantly understood that not only had Ni Jingshen contacted someone from the upper realm, but he had also obtained huge benefits or were given certain promises. Nonetheless, the young fellow was not very keen about everything.

The Ni family had mercy on him, but they must be joking if they thought they could say a few things to make him turn against the imperial family.