Immortal Liquid

A spiritual item, and a mascot.

Ou Yangming instantly recalled the sleeping spirit turtle inside his Long Feather Band, and he could not help but have a strange look on his face.

Big Yellow stole the Tree of Splendour, and the Aquatics' spirit beast that invaded the lower realm this time was a mascot. Most importantly, Ou Yangming was now in possession of the plant, and the spirit turtle was being kept in his Long Feather Band. 'Isn't everything too coincidental?'

The young fellow shook his head and cast aside the thought.

Based on his identity and abilities, perhaps he was considered almighty in this realm. Nonetheless, he knew after experiencing a Venerable One's aura that he could not contend with such a figure from the upper realm even if he used all of his trump cards.

If that was the case, Ou Yangming did not believe that an Almighty Being from the upper realm was scheming something against him.