Caster And Blacksmith

Bai Zhiyi nodded blankly. "Okay."

At this point, whether or not he could smith the treasure saber requested by Poisonous Saber Gentleman was secondary; he was the most curious about how far Ou Yangming could go.

Ou Yangming curbed his thought and reached out his hands again. He was highly-spirited and overjoyed.

Although he failed to show the Rune Skill earlier, the sudden comprehension allowed him to gain an idea of controlling space with spells. Needless to say, the young fellow was still far from being able to do that, but he could exert influence on a space already—even if the influenced range was extremely small and insignificant.

Nonetheless, as long as there was a beginning—a starting point,—he could slowly expand the range such that he could finally achieve what the Six-armed Giant Beast and Ghost Mo did.