True Path Intent

"Rumble!" A thunderous sound was heard.

For the people below, it sounded like there was a sudden clap of thunder. It was worth noting that the mountaintop had shaken twice due to the repercussion.

Tiandao the Venerable One had a strange look on his face when he sensed the intense fluctuation, but he was also helpless. The other people did not know who the white-robed elder was, but he knew very well.

Master Kurong—the greatest human powerhouse in Danzhou.

The only thing was that Master Kurong's life was reaching an end for the past century, where his Qi and blood were extremely weak, hence he dared not exchange blows with equal-ranked powerhouses. Now that the elder had consumed an Eternal Pill, he was born again through the fire and regained vitality.

He was anxious to display his skills at the moment, so he wanted to fight against equal-ranked powerhouses. 'Forget it—I shouldn't be a busybody,' Tiandao the Venerable One thought.