The Spiritual Realm’s Proxy

"Bam, bam, bam…"

Endless fireworks lit up in the sky, causing the whole Beast King Sect to be enveloped in a cheerful atmosphere.

The effect from the fight between the Venerable Ones seemed to have disappeared. In any case, nobody in the sect talked about the matter anymore.

Ou Yangming accompanied Old Craftsman and the 3 ladies to play around in the Beast King Sect. No matter where they wanted to go, they were not obstructed at all. The strictly guarding Beast King Sect, which was known as one of the Humans' Nine Great Sects in Danzhou, was similar to their backyard. It was worth noting that such a treatment was extremely rare.

The young fellow spared some time to converse with the 3 ladies and even held Ni Yinghong's tender hand without avoiding arousing suspicion. Even he did not understand why he would be so direct, but he sensed the complicated looks from Wu Hanning and Bai Shixue at that moment.