
The fierce beasts all came for the Dripping Blood Stones but who knew that after the Devil Dweller came here, he almost took away all the Dripping Blood Stones.

A day or two was fine, but as time went on, everyone felt a little resentful.

No one knew how long the Devil Dweller would be here. If he did not plan to leave, would everyone not be waiting every day for nothing?

One day, after Ou Yangming took the Dripping Blood Stones and left...

A few Dark Ferocious Beasts quietly gathered and discussed in low voices. They deliberately avoided the fierce tiger so that it could not hear their conversation.

"This can't go on. That Devil Dweller has been here for more than a month. This month, there were at least 100 Dripping Blood Stones from the waterfall, but we only got 5. If this continues, there's no point for us to stay here." A Ferocious Black Snake looked cunning.