A Hundred Thousand, Per Day

One should know that even a typical hundred-year ginseng root would cost above three to five million. A 300-year-old ginseng root would be even rarer.

To ordinary folks, ginseng was, of course, a life-saving medicine. Many a time, it could even prolong the life of someone on their deathbed.

That was also why many moguls desired wild ginseng that had grown for a substantial number of years.

To warriors, a King of Ginseng like this is also a treasure that could not be easily bought with money alone. The surging medicinal effects could help them in their breakthrough.

Lin Sheng thought that if he could have a root of the King of Ginseng like that, and reduce it into a bowl of medicine using his sect's secret recipe, he was confident that he could go a step further and break into the level of a Baodan Grandmaster.