The Arrival of a Formidable Enemy

That person was the Big Boss of the entire Agency of Special Affairs, and the Sea-stabilizing Holy Cudgel nailing the demons within and outside the country firmly in place.

"I was put in-charge as our Chief is on a business trip overseas. I was feeling so anxious, but now that I see you here, Mr. Lu, I feel more at peace!"

Square-faced Fatso couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief when he saw Lu Xuan. No matter who the Flying Dragon Sect sent into the mainland this time, with Lu Xuan around, all problems were as good as solved.

"Why exactly did your Chief send you guys here?" Lu Xuan asked.

Square-faced Fatso quickly answered, "We must not let these overseas powers wreak havoc as they please in Huaxia!"

Lu Xuan nodded. "Got it!"

Lu Xuan said as he waved his hand, "I need to go back to my friends. I'll contact you at a later time!"