Track Down and Kill Everyone

Luo Ying felt a shiver run down her spine as she thought of a frightening possibility.

That Lu Xuan might be coming to kill them right now!

From what she found out, when Luo Kun sent his trusted henchman to kill Lu Xuan, the henchman was slain on the spot by Lu Xuan.

Just a few days later, Luo Kun was also tracked down and killed by Lu Xuan in his own home.

There was still no evidence that proved Lu Xuan committed the murder.

Yet, Luo Ying's instincts told her that Lu Xuan was definitely the culprit.

This was what it meant to be above the law!

A powerful martial arts legend did indeed have such a privilege.

If she were in his shoes and possessed that kind of strength, she probably would not give a hoot about anybody else either.