Crushing Technique

Lu Xuan's Mental world gave him the feeling that he was in a very abnormal situation. In terms of volume, Lu Xuan's Mental Strength was much greater than his, but Lu Xuan's Mental Strength had a terrifying level of quality that was incomparable, as he was able to condense it into a Golden Dragon.

He had never seen such fearsome Mental Strength before. With the protection of the Golden Dragon, it meant that all kinds of Mental attacks would not be able to damage Lu Xuan.

He could not even begin to imagine how he cultivated this Golden Dragon.

The middle-aged man in the Chinese robe became fully aware that Lu Xuan's will surpassed all fear. Cultivating the firmness of his will, he could manifest it in the world. This was an extraordinary feat, and it was as though he was no longer human, but only a heavenly deity.