Taking a Martial Arts Legend as a Servant

A look of appreciation flashed through Lu Xuan's eyes. This man was still thinking logically and knew that there was no such thing as a free lunch.

He was part of the group that came to kill Lu Xuan, and he deserved to die in return. If Lu Xuan were going to spare him, it would naturally come at a heavy price.

"It's very simple. From today onwards, you will serve me!" Lu Xuan said lightly.

"You actually want me to become your servant?" For a moment, Zhang Hongyang struggled to catch his breath.

He was a formidable level six Mental Strength master and was even more esteemed than a master of the Martial Way at the same level. No matter where he went, he would be treated as an honored guest, yet now he was asked to become a lowly servant.

The key factor here was that from Lu Xuan's countenance, he clearly believed Zhang Hongyang would be a fool not to accept such a great offer.

It was as though he thought nothing of him.