Class Reunion

Lu Xuan was unaware of the Luo family's decision, as, at this moment, he was on the phone.

"Hey, Xuan, are you back in Xia City?" An excited voice came from the phone.

"Mm!" Lu Xuan nodded. He searched his memory and quickly realized who he was speaking to on the phone.

It was his close buddy from high school who had sat close to him in class—Li Guanghui.

Though, ever since Lu Xuan had returned to Fu City for school, the two of them had not met up.

To Li Guanghui, Lu Xuan was a friend he had not seen for many years, but to Lu Xuan, he had spent an entire lifetime without ever meeting this friend again.

He vaguely recalled that in his past life, Li Guanghui died on the first day that the world changed. It had been in a violent attack from a mutated beast. So when Lu Xuan heard Li Guanghui's voice, he felt especially emotional.