Situation Is Reversed, All Are Dumbfounded

"They've simply gone too far this time!"

"Aren't they just bullying people?"

"Where has law and order gone!"

All the classmates were filled with righteous indignation. At this time, they had only graduated a year ago, and their thinking had not yet been eroded by society, so they could still be hot-blooded.

In addition, they had all drank alcohol. The guys were red in the face, as they flung the door open and rushed out one after the other.

The remaining girls also quickly put down their cutlery, following after them.

"Let's go take a look!"

Lu Xuan and Li Guanghui stepped out the door, and there was the sound of a ruckus coming from down the hallway.

By the time Lu Xuan had rushed over to the entrance to private room number one, he discovered people strewn across the floor.

The male classmates from before who were burning with righteous fury and wanted to come help Ren Bingbing were now sprawled out on the floor.