Killing Martial Arts Legends like Chickens

Both Master Ying and Yin Tianming seemed to have backed away at the same time, letting their underlings stand before them.

Both men had experienced just how terrifying Lu Xuan had been firsthand, and none of them dared to stay around for long.

Lu Xuan had also brought his true power as a level seven National Guardian to bear at that moment.

The underlings who served both men were at least formidable fighters at HuaJin levels. While they were not all that many, they would have been able to cause a huge commotion nonetheless.

However, none of that proved to have been of any use.


Lu Xuan's punch landed on one of them, and that man was sent flying, killed on the spot.




Lu Xuan kept attacking, with any of his single attacks racking up one kill, as none had been able to stand before his attacks.