The Heirloom Seal of the Realm

"My gosh, is the world going to awaken its true form at long last?"

"Is this the era of the return of the gods?"

"The legends were true, after all!"

"The government must have found something, and they're keeping it under wraps from common folks like us!"

"What was actually hidden in Mount Tai? Why did ancient emperors travel to Mount Tai for rituals?"

"Mount Tai definitely holds secrets. It is the mountain of emperors, after all, and I sure as hell don't think the emperors of the past went to Mount Tai for some rituals because they had nothing better to do."

Comments from netizens flooded the net all of a sudden, so much so that not even the government could prevent the people from thinking in that direction.

Mount Tai was a mountain that had been clouded in mystery since ancient times, after all.