Waiting in isolation

Lu Xuan killed without any hesitation or remorse.

He knew very well what the members of the Soul-snatcher Sect were like, and nobody with a conscience would be able to survive being in that sect for long.

The hands of those people were soaked with the blood of countless innocent people.

That man with sharp features was shaken to the core, seeing how Lu Xuan killed without showing any mercy, fearing that he would be next.

However, he was unable to run at that moment, even if he wanted to, as he was completely pinned down by Lu Xuan's might.

But then again, he was overjoyed to hear what Lu Xuan said next: "Get lost."

That man scrambled out of the place at once after Lu Xuan granted permission for him to leave.

He disappeared without a trace before long.

"Mr. Lu, sparing him is like sparing a tiger. He'll definitely let those of the sect know what happened here!" Ling Huang rushed from the second floor and said frantically.