Killing a Bunch in Mere Seconds

No one else other than Shi Danze knew what Lu Xuan meant by what he said. Shi Danze was breaking out in cold sweat as he vaguely caught what Lu Xuan meant—his master was lamenting that the lineup was still not yet at its strongest and that there was no way to annihilate them all just yet.

Lu Xuan had literally intended to round them all up single-handedly.

Shi Danze felt rather nauseous right there and then.

Everyone from the Soul-snatcher Sect bared their killing intent right away after hearing Lu Xuan talk about the young master he killed.

There had never been anyone who dared to talk to the sect in such a manner. He had been too boisterous, seeing how he actually killed the young Sectmaster and just waited nonchalantly for them all to show up.

What Lu Xuan did was practically akin to dragging the faces of them all through the mud.