Delusion-breaker Eyes

Lu Xuan's arrival attracted everyone's present.

"Who's this kid?"

"This is preposterous! Where did the kid come from?"

"Is he just some tourist who happened to be around?"

Everyone murmured among themselves, and no one knew who Lu Xuan was. He just looked too young. He wore a t-shirt, overalls, and a pair of white shoes, and the getup made him look little different from contemporary college students.

If he were to take out his phone and record something to be uploaded to TikTok, he would have looked the part even more.

Lu Xuan ignored the gaze from the people all around him. He came straight to the gate at the foot of the mountain and shouted right away, "Qiu Zhen, come out and meet your doom!"

He sounded plain when he said that, yet the might from the voice was so formidable that all within earshot felt like their brains were going to explode.

"One hell of a formidable one, indeed."