A Martial Arts Legend Wants to be a Lackey

The shocking news had left Yang Chengsi unable to sleep for most of the night!

A master from the Agency of Special Affairs had uprooted the entire Soul-snatcher Sect in Xinan!

This news had shocked the Huaxia world of Cultivators and clearly expressed the firm stance the Agency of Special Affairs was taking.

Everyone was stunned at the sudden appearance of this Mister Lu, who was the second Divine level master in the Agency of Special Affairs, aside from the Big Boss whom everyone knew about.

He alone was able to suppress an entire region.

Anyone who could receive this information and the respected members of the world of Cultivators were all astounded.

The masters of the world of Cultivators took the news with varying degrees of shock, depending on which area they were based in.

The ones who had the largest shock were naturally those in the Xinan region, followed closely by the shock felt by the heroes in the Min Province region.