He's Mr. Lu?

Even Li Hongjun, who had elected to root for Song Shijie initially, sported a different expression right there and then.

Song Shijie's methods were simply too brutish and straightforward.

To put it simply, those were not the rules of commerce, but the rules practiced in the world of cultivators—a world where the law of the jungle reigned supreme without a doubt.

The one with the bigger stick was the righteous one.

Not only were the winning side was allowed to strip the losing ones of all their wealth, but the winning ones could even kill the losers if they so fancied.

That had crossed the very bottom line of those who were in the game of politics and business, and it was clear that they had not been able to accept all those new rules in place.

Song Shijie paid no heed to what they wanted. He wanted a Min Province that submitted to him—a Min Province that was of use to him.